
"Stronger every day." Jayme Closs releases statement a year after she was kidnapped, & more in News in 5.

With AAP.

1. “Stronger every day.” Jayme Closs releases statement a year after she was kidnapped.

A year after being held captive for 88 days by her parents’ murderer, Jayme Closs has released a statement saying she feels “stronger every day”.

“I really want to thank everyone for all the kindness and concern that people all over the country have shown me,” Jayme said in a statement, as reported by NBC News.

“I am very happy to be home and getting back to the activities that I enjoy. I love hanging out with all of my friends, and I feel stronger every day!” the statement said.

Jayme Closs updates Jake Patterson
"I feel stronger every day!" Image: Facebook.

Thirteen-year-old Jayme was kidnapped on October 15, 2018, by 21-year-old Jake Patterson, after he shot Jayme’s father James, 56, and then killed her mother Denise, 46.

She was held hostage in a remote cabin by the 21-year-old man who kept her trapped under his bed for as long as 12 hours at a time.

Jayme was finally escaped on January 10 this year when she fled the house while Patterson was out. Jayme sought the help of a woman walking her dog on the street and Patterson was arrested minutes later.

Patterson was sentenced in May 2019 to life in prison without parole. He received one life sentence each for the murders of James and Denise Closs and was given a 40-year sentence for kidnapping their daughter.

After his sentencing in May, Jayme released another statement which outlined the impact the abduction had on her, saying "Patterson took a lot of things that I love away from me".

"It’s too hard for me to go out in public. I get scared and I get anxious. These are just ordinary things that anyone like me should be able to do but I can’t because he took them away from me."

2. Accused Melbourne extremist was allegedly making a how-to-terror guide.


A man charged with plotting against left-wing Melbourne groups allegedly tried to make a how-to terror guide he hoped would lead to "thousands upon thousands" of attacks.

Phillip Galea, 34, is charged with preparing for a terrorist attack on the Melbourne Anarchist Club and Melbourne Resistance Centre between August 2015 and 2016.

Galea equated the "left wing" with Muslims and held the former responsible for the "Islamisation of Australia", prosecutor Richard Maidment QC told a Supreme Court jury on Monday.

The accused terror plotter also allegedly worked on a document called the "Patriot's Cookbook", aimed at inciting others to violence.

He said it would lead to "thousands upon thousands" of terrorist acts, Mr Maidment alleged.


The court was told Galea had been associated with the far-right group Reclaim Australia and spoke about targeting left-wing activists at a rally, saying "I could rig some delayed charge chemical bombs".

"They're nothing but criminals working as troops for the left, that think they have impunity," prosecutors recounted from his conversation with a now-dead associate.

When the man replied "no, that's a bloody terrorist attack. Police are on high alert," Galea reportedly replied "terrorist attack on terrorists. Laugh out loud, that's a new one," before adding "OK, you're the boss".

Galea's online search history allegedly included the terms "kill Muslims", "where to find potassium nitrate", "potassium nitrate for sale", and "piano wire to garrotte someone".

He ordered potassium nitrate to use in smoke bombs but listed an associate's address instead of his own, the court was told.

Galea also looked up addresses of the anarchist club, resistance centre and Trades Hall, and also googled prominent left-wing local government councillor Stephen Jolly and former Labor MP for Melton, Don Nardella.

Police raided Galea's Braybrook home in November 2015 and began intercepting his phone calls the following January before he was arrested in August 2016.

His trial is scheduled to continue on Tuesday.

3. First home buyer deposit plan set for 2020.

Up to 10,000 first home buyers a year will need to save just five per cent of a deposit with the federal government to guarantee the difference of a standard down-payment.


Legislation cleared the Senate on Monday to deliver on the coalition's election promise, which had bipartisan support.

Eligible buyers will be able to enter the market without having the standard deposit of 20 per cent under the scheme.

Applicants must have earned less than $125,000 in the previous financial year as a single or $200,000 as a couple.

The government can guarantee deposits through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation from the start of next year.

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie criticised the scheme for lacking detail and doing nothing to address housing affordability.

"It seems like a very grand plan here and it doesn't seem to have much substance," she told parliament.

But Assistant Financial Services Minister Jane Hume said the scheme wasn't about making housing cheaper.

"The aim of this scheme is to allow first home buyers to enter the market with only a five per cent deposit," she said.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale warned the bill would make housing affordability worse through increasing demand, saying the scheme would benefit big banks and property owners.

"What we have is a policy that continues to screw young people over and make life harder for those people who struggle to find secure housing," he said.

Labor backed the scheme, and succeeded in changing the bill to have the scheme reviewed once a year rather than every three.


The legislation will return to the House of Representatives to be ticked off.

4. "We just have to get on." Health experts offer climate policy advice.

Health experts will brief politicians on policies they can adopt to combat climate change that don't require legislation.

This would include ensuring Pacific aid funding doesn't go towards fossil fuel-related projects, mandating new homes are more thermal efficient and having the Productivity Commission gauge the cost-effectiveness of addressing climate change.


Global Health Alliance Australia executive director Misha Coleman is hoping by doing more to tackle climate change, federal and state governments could address the health impacts brought on by global warming.

Ms Coleman told AAP this included a rise in malnutrition, a rise in the transfer of infectious diseases and poor childhood development.

She's set to make nine recommendations to the Parliamentary Friends Group on Climate Action on Monday, which includes coalition MPs Dave Sharma and Tim Wilson.

"They're all actions that have what we call 'health co-benefits', so things you could do pretty much today or tomorrow that don't require legislation," Ms Coleman said.

"We can't wait for a federal policy on energy and the environment, we just have to get on."

Ms Coleman said the government's action on climate change was "not great so far", but they could use the "health umbrella" for political justification to take action.

She will reference a July report which detailed the health impacts of climate change.

It referred to research which found a link between fossil fuel emissions and childhood obesity, with by-products of fossil fuel productions affecting the fat-storing cells in foetuses.

"If people could just get past some of these politically, ideologically stuck positions we could reduce our national carbon emissions quite significantly," Ms Coleman said.


She will also recommend the government publicly recognise climate change as a health issue.

Other recommendations included the government stacking up the financial case for more health-related infrastructure - like sewers or water-treatment plants - as part of the overseas development budget.

Ms Coleman said the government should also better equip local health workforces to treat environmental-health related conditions.

5. Queensland killer jailed after crime spree.


A Queensland man will spend Christmas behind bars for a crime spree he committed after being released from jail for killing his stepson.

Matthew Scown was sentenced to four years' jail in October 2017 for the manslaughter of four-year-old Tyrell Cobb, after failing to seek medical help for blows likely inflicted on the child by his mother.

Scown was allowed to walk free immediately after having already served almost three years behind bars.

However, he started offending again in January 2019.

Scown committed 28 offences over the course of four months.

The majority were credit card fraud, but he also stole a car and crashed another one while high on the drug ice.

Police found a gun in the back of that car when they searched it.

Scown pleaded guilty in August to that string of offences and was sentenced to 18 months' jail.

The magistrate ordered he be released on parole in early December.

As these offences breached the terms of his manslaughter sentence, Scown was on Monday brought back to the Brisbane Supreme Court to face the man who gave him the original sentence, Justice Martin Burns.

Justice Burns ordered Scown spend additional time behind bars for the breach, pushing out his parole release date to January 29 next year.

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