
Jamie Oliver’s trick to get his kids to eat veggies shows he ain't no superdad.

If there is one person you can count on to get kids to eat their veggies you’d imagine it would be Jamie Oliver.

After all he’s the guy behind the ‘Food Revolution’.

Big love from me and the gang folks: happy Friday jox x x x hope you all have a great weekend

A photo posted by Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver) on

He’s the one my thoughts often turn to after once again my six-year-old leaves his broccoli untouched and his peas neatly shovelled to the side.

He’s the one I google when I’m trying to find yet another recipe that might, just maybe, entice my kids to dare to eat something green.

He’s the one I turn up the volume on when I see him on the TV, cocky smile, surrounded by fresh produce and doting cherub-faced kids munching away on kale and carrots as if they were Mars Bars.


He’s the guru we look to for an answer.

And he’s certainly been full of tips over the years.

Get kids involved in cooking.

Keep it fresh and simple.

Start your own veggie patch.

Be consistent, keep on trying night after night.

Start them young.

Make it educational.

Involve them in cooking.

Hide the veggies in smoothies and pasta sauces.

Jamie Oliver is all about healthy kids. Via Instagram.

All valuable ideas to help a parent with a veggie adverse kid to get through the day.

All valuable ideas I’ve tried over and over again, grating, whizzing, juicing, plating.

No, it's just plain pasta. Would I lie to you?

Valuable ideas, wholesome idea, but ideas that, lets be honest, really don’t work most of time with genuinely stubborn eaters.

So it's with a little bit of surprise and a whole heap of glee that I read his latest tip he has shared that he and wife Jules use at home to get their kids to eat their greens.

Jamie Oliver has five kids. Via Instagram.

Oliver, 41, father to Poppy Honey Rosie, 14, Daisy Boo Pamela, 13, Petal Blossom, 7, Buddy Bear, 5 and new bub Rocket has told News Ltd that the main thing is “trying” and “caring.”

“So the point I’m making is that perfection doesn’t exist. Ultimately if you try, you’re in a league of your own. And if you care, you’re in the top league already.”


He says he understands how hard it is as a parent at times.

“As a parent, you rarely get thanked for doing the right thing,” he says.

“As I get more worldly about being a parent, I realise often you’re defined what you say ‘no’ to, not what you say ‘yes’ to.”

And he reveals that when all else fails even he turns to a trick or two at times – a trick he happily shares.

“When it comes to food, my kids have good days and bad days. You can be all purist and say ‘Look, no TV at dinner time’ or ‘No iPads at the dinner table’ — and I do say that.

“But the truth is, if Buddy (six) is being a little sod and not eating his dinner and he’s just in a funny mood, my wife puts an iPad in front of him and he goes into a trance and eats his dinner.”


So there you have it.

No holistic philosophies, no wacky food groups, no shaming parents.

A simple admission.

Distraction. Technology. An Ipad.

Turns out that Jamie Oliver might be less god and more human after all, cause Jamie Oliver bribes his kids just like the rest of us do.

Next thing you know he’ll be buying them a happy meal.

Welcome to the slighty sticky world of This Glorious Mess, Mamamia's parenting podcast.

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