reality tv

The truth behind the rumours about Brooke and Jamie-Lee's relationship.



The very juicy Bachie rumour involving two contestants may have been shut down already, but we still need to talk about it.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; the best thing about the Bachelor is what goes down inside the mansion – we actually don’t care about the dates at all. Especially when they involve unnecessarily frightening activities like being suspended in the air in a mini skirt when you have a crippling fear of heights.

We didn't sign up for this either, Cass.

It's simple, really; put 25 excitable girls with a shared boyfriend under the same roof, on a diet of low-rent cheese and Passion Pop, and things are going to happen.


What things? Well, fighting, people literally attempting to escape their cheese-filled prison, solo conga lines, new besties and sometimes, inter-contestant romance.

It happened on Richie Strahan's season between Tiffany Scanlon and Megan Marx and guys, it might've happened again.

Yes, there's a rumour that two contestants realised they didn't actually care much for the curly-haired pink man whose words don't make any sense and found romance within the mansion instead.

Those two contestants are Jamie-Lee and Brooke.


We've low-key been thinking Brooke is way too good for Nick anyway, and frankly, we've stopped caring about who actually wins because we're pretty certain they've already broken up, so this rumour very much excited us.

The rumour came to light earlier this month through an anonymous source who noticed 'off-camera chemistry' between the two, which was backed up by previously-eliminated mean girl Romy.

"I heard that some of the girls formed a really close friendship...I have heard there's a vibe going on," she told NW.

But it was all purely speculation and the rumour turned out to be false (classic Romy).

In fact, Jamie-Lee, who went home on last night's episode, told NW this morning that she's back with her ex-girlfriend.

"Brooke is an amazing person, she and I are great friends. I actually am a little disappointed that all of these rumours have come out," she said.

Okay, we'll stop talking about it now.

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