
Jaime King announces her new baby's name.

Are you ready for it?

Jaime King and her husband Kyle Newman have just revealed their new baby’s name.

While their son’s first name is not something “Hollywoody” or avant-garde; his second name is a bit eclectic. Just how the couple wanted.

In an exclusive interview with, the actress stated: ?”Kyle? ?and I named our second son ?Leo Thames Newman.”

Just last week, the 36-year-old actress actress took to Instagram to announce that she has just given birth to a baby boy. Here’s the fabulous family photo she shared.

The family photo in the delivery suite. Image via @ jamie_king Instagram.

She captioned the image with:

"We are SO happy to welcome to the world our new baby boy! Born Thursday, July 16th! Xx"

This is their second bundle of joy that the stork delivered on July 16. Guess their 20-month-old son James will soon show his baby brother a few big brother tricks he's got up his sleeve.

TAP on the image below to scroll through the gallery for more photos of Jaime and her family... (post continues after the gallery).

Earlier this year, the Daily Mail said King talked about the name she's planning on giving her son.

"I know the first part [of the name]. We just have to decide on the second part. Names are never easy, you don't want something to be too Hollywood and out there."

Like most parents, they've been thinking long and hard about what their son will be called.

"I want my child to feel strong in life and in business and what they do, but it's still romantic at the same time ... It's not easy, but I like classic and eclectic mixed together so it's a bit of both of my worlds at the same time."

One of King's besties - none other than Taylor Swift - is going to be Leo Thames's god-mother. How's that for a good start in life?

TAP on the image below to scroll through our gallery of popular baby names for 2015.

How did you decide your baby's name? Do you like simple or eclectic baby names?

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