
News in 5: Tiger Woods' ex-mistress rescued; 'Trolley man' wanted by police; Brexit furore.

-With AAP

1. Tiger Woods’ ex-mistress Jamie Jungers has been rescued by a bounty hunter from an alleged sex den.

Reality TV star Dog the Bounty Hunter has rescued Tiger Woods’ ex-lover Jamie Jungers from an alleged sex and drugs den in Las Vegas.

Dog, whose real name is Duane Lee Chapman, made a midnight raid on a house in Las Vegas. He had spent seven days searching for Jungers, 35, after she skipped bail in Kansas.

Jungers was one of the women who came forward in 2009 in the wake of the infamous Tiger Woods cheating scandal. At the time she claimed to be in love with Woods, and told media outlets she was with him the night his father died.

Speaking to RadarOnline, Chapman claimed Jungers was dramatically thin and in a very bad situation when he got to her on Tuesday.

“She was 88 pounds (40kg) when we got her and the handcuffs wouldn’t even go on her wrists because they were so skinny. She was going to die in the next few weeks,” he said.

“These guys were holding her in a house where she was giving sexual favours for drugs.”

According to the official Dog the Bounty Hunter news website, Chapman and his wife Beth Chapman “expected to simply bring the former jailbird in after her many run-ins with the law, what they found was something much more devastating.”

Jungers was paid $125,000 (AU$170,000) for revealing for 18-month affair with Woods, but became addicted to drugs and entered rehab in 2014.

Chapman turned Jungers in to the Las Vegas police who arrested her. According to RadarOnline, she is being held in jail on charges of drug possession and being a fugitive.


Chapman said Jungers still blames the golfer for her current condition.

“She said she blames Tiger,” he said.

“Before I knew it all these people were coming into my life because of drugs and I’m a f*****g junkie now and I hate it,” she said, according to Chapman.

2. The Bourke St terror attack’s ‘trolley man’ is wanted by police.

A homeless man hailed Melbourne’s “trolley man” is wanted over a string of burglaries and breaching his bail conditions.

Michael Rogers, 46, used a shopping trolley to ram Hassan Khalif Shire Ali as police tried to disarm the Somali-born radical in last Friday’s Bourke Street terror attack.


But a week later, police are on Mr Rogers’ trail over criminal matters.

“Police are seeking the whereabouts of a 46-year-old man of no fixed address in relation to a number of recent burglaries in the Melbourne CBD and St Kilda areas and breach of bail conditions,” the force said in a statement on Thursday night.

More than $143,000 has been donated by the community to help Mr Rogers since Saturday.

The National Homeless Collective, who set-up the fundraiser, states the money will be held in a trust fund for him and an accountancy firm has offered to oversee it and give financial advice.

3. Theresa May’s position as UK PM is shaky as opposition to her Brexit deal grows.


Leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has submitted a letter of no confidence in Theresa May, as the British prime minister reels from the loss of four ministers – including two from her cabinet – in protest at her Brexit plans.

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey sensationally walked out of the government the morning after cabinet agreed a draft EU withdrawal agreement in a stormy five-hour meeting.

Two more junior ministers – Suella Braverman at the Brexit Department and Shailesh Vara at Northern Ireland – also quit along with two parliamentary aides.

In a letter to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, Mr Rees-Mogg said May’s deal “has turned out to be worse than anticipated and fails to meet the promises given to the nation by the Prime Minister, either on her own account or on behalf of us all in the Conservative Party manifesto”.

His move is expected to be matched by other members of the European Research Group, which he chairs, hugely increasing the chances of May facing a vote of no confidence in her leadership.

At least 14 Conservative MPs openly said they had submitted such letters, although others could have done so secretly. Forty-eight are needed to trigger a challenge.

Rees-Mogg told journalists the next prime minister should be someone who believed in Brexit.


But a May ally, former interior minister Amber Rudd, told Sky News: “The problem isn’t the prime minister. The problem is the challenges she’s got to deliver in trying to pull together this Brexit. She’s the best person to do it.”

The Labour Party said the government was “falling apart”.

May’s deal came under a hail of criticism in the House of Commons, where only a handful of Tories spoke in favour of an agreement thrashed out in 19 months of intensive negotiations.

There was laughter from opposition benches when the PM said her deal would allow the UK to leave the EU “in a smooth and orderly way” on March 29.

May insisted the deal was in the national interest and offered a future relationship with “a breadth and depth of co-operation beyond anything the EU has agreed with any other country”.

May called a news conference at her Downing Street residence to underline her determination to stay the course.

Asked if she would contest any challenge to her position, she replied: “Am I going to see this through? Yes.”

Rees-Mogg told May the deal did not match up to her previous promises on quitting the customs union, maintaining the internal integrity of the UK and leaving the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.

Raab, 44, was named Brexit secretary in July after the resignation of his predecessor David Davis, who also quit in protest at May’s strategy.


At the heart of Raab’s criticism was the belief that the pursuit of a temporary customs union with the EU would be the starting point for talks on the future relationship with the bloc, “severely prejudicing” what Britain could achieve.

The shock departures of Raab and McVey came within little more than an hour of one another as May prepared to face MPs.

Their resignations were followed by Anne-Marie Trevelyan quitting as an unpaid parliamentary private secretary in the Department for Education and Ranil Jayawardena leaving the same post in the Ministry of Justice.

4. Paid domestic violence leave is now available for NSW public service workers.


Teachers, nurses, police and other NSW public servants will be able to access 10 days of annual paid domestic and family violence leave from January 1.

Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Pru Goward on Thursday said the new entitlement would ensure survivors of domestic violence had more resources and time to rebuild their lives.

Currently NSW public service employees experiencing domestic and family violence can take up to five days paid special leave per calendar year.

These can only be taken after other leave entitlements have been exhausted, which Ms Goward said wasn’t good enough.

Under the new system, victims will be able to use the 10 days without having to exhaust their other options first.

5. PM Scott Morrison is being urged to reverse his decision to move Australia’s Israel embassy.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison is being urged to reverse his decision on moving Australia’s Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem amid warnings it could escalate terror attacks.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad raised the issue during a meeting with Scott Morrison in Singapore on Thursday.

“I pointed out that in dealing with terrorism, one has to know the causes,” Dr Mahathir told reporters.

“Adding to the cause for terrorism is not going to be helpful.”

That warning was followed by one from Indonesia politicians, Fairfax Media reported.

“Australia’s consideration on moving its embassy will affect Indonesian people at grassroots, the people who are low in literacy,” Indonesian opposition politician Dian Islamiati Fatwa told Fairfax.

“Some of them are the radicals. They may target any western people, they may think he or she is Australian just because they look western.

“So I think we need to guard this issue together.”

A free trade agreement with Indonesia has already been delayed in a backlash against Mr Morrison’s decision.

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