reality tv

WE NEVER SAW THIS COMING: Jake and Megan from Bachelor in Paradise have broken up.

What… the hell… is happening.

Just two days after the most unlikely (or likely?) couple to come out of Bachelor in Paradise, Keira Maguire and Jarrod Woodgate, announced their break up, we have even more devastating reality TV news.

Megan Marx and Jake Ellis, the last couple standing from the series, have also broken up, bringing us to a very promising zero per cent success rate.


Megan announced the news in an Instagram story on Tuesday afternoon, writing “I’d be lying if I said this break up has been anything but destroying”.

Image via Instagram.

"Jake is easily the biggest-hearted man I've met," she wrote.

The 29-year-old said her first kiss and first date with Jake on Bachelor in Paradise is "something I'll always treasure," and wrote that the two had "grown to love and respect each other, and also tease the sh*t out of each other as best friends".

Minutes later, Jake, 32, shared his own announcement.

"Megan and I are sadly taking a break from our relationship together and words will never express the heartbreak I’m feeling right now," he wrote. "No matter what you believe, our relationship was as real and beautiful as they come, I love her wholeheartedly."

This is the post that I thought and hoped I would never ever have to write. Megan and I are sadly taking a break from our relationship together and words will never express the heartbreak I’m feeling right now. No matter what you believe, our relationship was as real and beautiful as they come, I love her wholeheartedly. Megan is and always will be the best part of me, the most beautiful and intelligent woman I’ve ever had the privilege of loving, my best friend. I wish with all of my heart that this wasn’t happening right now but the only thing I can hope for is that one day soon we will rekindle our special love and come back together stronger than ever before - but unfortunately that time is just not right now. I will always hold that hope. ???? #devastated

A post shared by Jake Ellis (@jakeellis86) on


He added that he hopes the couple will soon "rekindle our special love and come back together stronger than ever".

"I will always hold that hope."

While Megan's announcement gave the impression of a definitive end to the pair's relationship, Jake's definitely had the tone of someone hopeful they'd get back together.

Megan's post made no mention of a 'break'. So that's... awkward.

After the show ended in April this year, Megan and Jake confirmed that they were still together, despite their relationship status being unconfirmed during the season finale.


"We did things our way and this photo says it all," Jake wrote at the time.

"Could not be happier or more in love with you!"

But it seems, tragically, that placing ex-Bachelor contestants on an island with lots of alcohol, bikinis and meddling from Osher, doesn't end in life-long love.


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