
Actress Jaime King on the struggles and agony of 5 miscarriages.

No one, not even Hollywood stars are saved from the challenges of pregnancy.


It’s so refreshing to hear a celebrity mum talk about motherhood in a ‘real’ way. To talk about how tough it can be, and how precious it is. And also to speak about pregnancy loss openly and honestly.

Actress Jaime King has done just that when she publicly opened up about experiencing five miscarriages. The 35-year-old shared the agony she went through before having her son James who is now nine-months-old.

The gorgeous James. (image via @jaime_king instagram)

The Hart of Dixie star posted a message to her instagram account telling of the struggles she and her director husband, Kyle Newman had with fertility issues over eight years.

How to talk to someone who has had a miscarriage.

She told of her battles, which included Endrometriosis, five rounds of IVF, five miscarriages,  nine different doctors, 26 hours of brutal labor, tearing of her stitches, painful Mastitis and working up until the day of her child’s birth.

Her message – simple yet strong – is here.

jaime king miscarriage
A strong message for mothers to hear. (Image via DailyMail)

It was a moving post that hit home with many of Jaime’s followers.

Women who struggled to fall pregnant, who had problems while pregnant, who have ever lost a baby or simply felt like their world was shredding away when their baby was first born took from this a strong message: you are not alone.

For every woman struggling with infertility who feels like a failure right now. 

A message that many mothers need to hear.

Because after all of the struggles, pain and agony you end up with a beautiful bundle of joy. Like this guy.

Fun times for Jamie’s family. (Image via @jaime_king instagram)

You just have to remember this: #youarenotalone.

What other supportive messages would you like to see form celebrities?

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