
Jaime King posts near-nude photos of her pregnant body.

Then invites everyone to judge.

Jaime King might be a celebrity, but she isn’t immune to mummy-shaming comments.

So she decided to take some power back as she posted two pictures to Instagram of her near-naked pregnant body, inviting people to comment as she braced herself “for your judgements”.

Jaime King. (Image via Instagram)
Jaime King. (Image via Instagram)

The 35-year-old actress who is currently pregnant with her second child captioned the image with, "My body. My growing baby, open for comments. Plain as day. I, like every other woman, bracing for your judgements. This is who I am."

"And I love me in every flaw and curve or flat or thin area. And I love you as well in every form that your body takes," she continued.

Jaime has however since deleted both of the images from her account. There has been no explanation as to why she removed them.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for pictures of Jaime King and her son James Knight....

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