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Just all the evidence The Bachelorette's Jackson did NOT photoshop that Leo DiCaprio photo.


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If you’re watching The Bachelorette, you may think frontrunner Jackson Garlick is just an unassuming footy fan with a family pie business, but we aren’t so sure.

After a quick (or not-so-quick) stalk of Jackson’s Instagram, we discovered a 2016 picture of the 25-year-old alongside Leonardo DiCaprio in Hollywood and it looks… dubious.

Leo has his hand on Jackson’s shoulder, while the psychology student does some kind of finger gun(?) towards the A-lister. The pair are standing in front of a very classy, upmarket establishment: Hollywood’s Hard Rock Cafe.


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News reports are saying it’s photoshopped. Jackson himself has said so too, but… think again.

We’ve unearthed a number of other images of him with major stars and at major events, both in Australia and internationally, and it turns out Jackson’s a pretty big deal, actually.

You could even say he’s got a finger in every pie (lol): Politics, music festivals, major TV events, and royal festivities. He’s been there, done it all.

Don’t believe us? First of all, rude. Second of all, see for yourself:

jackson bachelorette
jackson bachelorette
He was part of one of the most iconic Coachella performances of all time. Image: Getty.
jackson bachelorette
Why didn't he mention he was in the same gay bar performance as Ciarran?
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Jackson likes to underplay his role in the summit Donald Trump and North and South Korea's leaders, but he was absolutely crucial. Image: Getty.
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Jackson knew who would end up on the Iron Throne all along... him. Image: Getty.
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"HOW DARE YOU" Image: Getty.
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He has a clause in his Channel 10 contract that allows him to be an expert on MAFS.
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"Missing Europe with these legends x"
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Restoring friendships is all in a day's work for Jackson.
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He couldn't personally make the Met Gala, so called in a favour to mate Jared. Image: Getty.
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Oh of course. Image: Getty.

Wondering what he's been up to most recently? Just convincing his friend Jen to join Instagram, but no biggie.

jackson bachelorette
It's definitely been his day, his week, his month and even his year

See? And to think everyone doubted Jackson's meeting with Leo. It's irrefutable.

We're sorry, Jackson.

If you win, we look forward to seeing what Hollywood stars you introduce Angie to and what very important political moments you attend together. And if you don't... well, you have Jennifer Aniston's number, right?

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