
Jackie O broke down talking about the Manchester attacks on radio this morning.

Speaking on air this morning, radio host Jackie O has said she was planning on taking her young daughter to her first concert when Ariana Grande’s tour made its way to Australia later this year.

The 42-year-old broke down when talking about the attack – which left 22 people dead and a further 59 seriously injured – and the young fans who will forever be scarred by the incident.

“I just think of all those families that are in the same situation, little kids that have gone to their first concert, and they’re so young,” she said to co-host Kyle Sandilands.

“[Kitty] loves Ariana Grande, she watches her, she’s on those kids’ shows…it’s why she has so many young fans.

“We were going to go to Ariana Grande as her first concert.”


Jackie O labelled the terrorist attack as “horrific” and labelled the person responsible as “pure evil”.

“An eight year old was killed. An eight year old! And to deliberately target young girls like that is just so horrific, I can’t…” she said.

The radio host broke down discussing the attack that killed 22 people in Manchester. Image via Twitter.

"To be in that mindset where you would want to target those kids, you know, it's just pure evil.

"And it just disappoints me that he's dead. I think a suicide bomber, that's the easy way out. I want him to be alive. I want him to see what he's done.

"I want him to look at those pictures of who he killed."

On this morning's show, Kyle and Jackie O spoke to a 15-year-old girl, named Rachel, who attended Ariana's Manchester show with a group of friends.

manchester bombing
15-year-old Rachel told the radio hosts about running in terror after the explosion. Image via Getty.

"We were fortunate enough to get out quite quickly [after the explosion]. We did see one man with blood running down his face but we just looked forward while we were running out," Rachel said.

"Unfortunately, I do know someone who wasn't so lucky and they did see quite a lot of people with injuries and they did see people who had passed away."

She added that "no-one knew what we were running away from, we just knew we had to run".

Three of the 22 people killed in the Manchester attacks.

"I did think the worst the moment it happened, just because of the sheer force of it," she said.

"At first [we thought], 'It can't be a bomb, that kind of thing doesn't happen to people like us'..."

"Outside, there were adults coming up to us and shaking us, asking, 'Have you seen my child? Do you know what's going on?' It was horrible, and that's an image I've never going to forget.

"Seeing grown people and children crying, it was the definition of chaos."

Rachel described the scene outside the venue as "the definition of chaos".

When asked if she would ever feel safe going to a concert again, Rachel said her gut-reaction was to "never put herself in that position again".

"But that's exactly what these people want...they're trying to scare us," she said.

"That concert was an amazing night, Ariana's voice was beautiful...everyone there was having such a great time.

"If we sacrifice that enjoyment, we're giving these people exactly what they want and I don't think I can do that."

If you'd like to support the victims of the attack and their families, you can donate to the Manchester attack victims fund here.

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