
Jackie O is all of us on holiday. Her cheesy tourist photo just proved it.

Image: Getty.

Let’s play a quick round of Cliche Travel Photo Bingo, shall we?

Give yourself a point for every one of these snaps you’ve taken: pushing the Tower of Pisa, kissing the Sphinx, lifting up the Sydney Harbour Bridges, hamming it up next to the Buckingham Palace Guards, ‘holding’ the sun between your fingers as it sets on the beach in Thailand… No?

How about “touching” the top of a monument or landmark, then? We’re all guilty of that one — and we’re in good company, because Jackie O is too.

The Sydney radio host is currently in Paris, and like any smartphone-armed traveller she couldn’t resist grabbing a selfie with La Tour Eiffel — and taking the opportunity to mess around with ~perspective~.

Original? No. Classic? Hell yeah. However, Jackie soon learned the perils of playing tourist; namely, looking “like an idiot” in pursuit of a photo.


Moral of the story: “holding up” the Eiffel Tower might be the ultimate in travel Instagram fodder, but you have to look like a bit of a dork in order to achieve it.

But is sacrificing your dignity for a minute worth it for the likes? Probably.

Watch: Those Two Girls lay down the 10 most annoying habits of recently-returned travellers. (Post continues after video.)

Jackie O isn’t the only Aussie celeb who’s not above a bit of silliness when on holiday.

Back in January, we were obsessed with the happy snaps Sam Armytage posted while on holiday in the US. From “jumping for joy” in her “spiritual home” (a vineyard) to the classic closed-eye shot with some Disney characters in New York, it was all too hilariously familiar.

Sam Armytage "jumping for joy" in Napa. (Image: Instagram)


Keep it up, ladies. Because we can't be the only ones who can't be bothered playing it cool on holidays.

What's the cheesiest tourist photo you've ever taken?

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