
Jackie O defends Roxy Jacenko after being probed by 60 Minutes over timing of cancer diagnosis.

Radio host Jackie O has hit back at suggestions PR mogul Roxy Jacenko timed the announcement of her breast cancer diagnosis to distract from her husband’s conviction for insider trading.

A snippet released from Jacenko’s upcoming “tell-all” interview with 60 Minutes, shows her being pushed repeatedly on the topic, with reporter Allison Langdon insinuating people felt the timing was disingenuous.

“There’s a problem isn’t there, when you announce that you have breast cancer and people’s first reaction is cynicism,” Langdon said, before claiming the questions were being raised “normal people out there”.

An excerpt of Roxy Jacenko’s 60 Minutes interview. Post continues…

Video by 60 Minutes

“Seriously??? Since when do we get to choose the timing of cancer?” Jackie O captioned an Instagram post featuring a headline about the interview.

“I wouldn’t call those people normal by any means.”




The sentiment was echoed by Jacenko herself who said, “Well they’re not normal Allison,” adding the journalist should “change your friends.”

“It is what it is. I am the person who has got the cancer, my husband is in jail, and I’m now a single mother. I don’t really give a fuck what they think on my timing. ”

Jacenko’s husband, Oliver Curtis, was sentenced to two years in prison after he was found  found guilty of profiting over $1.4 million from an insider trading scheme.

Listen: Rosie Waterland and Laura Brodnik discuss Roxy on The Binge podcast:

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