We are deep in the midst of this thing we will all look back on someday called “COVID-19”.
Some call it “coronavirus”.
Most call it a nightmare.
Side note: Here’s what the horoscopes are like in isolation. Post continues below.
I recently moved while in the midst of this pandemic and am finally settled into my new home office, sneaking in hours of work while my baby sleeps safe and soundly in his cot.
While we were unpacking boxes and setting up our new home to now call ours, I came across Ferris’ first favourite baby toy. As I was getting the latest donation bag together with items to pay it forward, I removed this one baby toy and brought it back into my office with me.
Ferris wore it out so much when he was itty-bitty that the sticker over the button you press to make the toy light up and play music is almost completely worn off.
Which got me thinking about infertility and 2020.
This toy is one-in-a-million by a very popular baby brand. But I look at it differently because it comes with a lot of memories and moments that started during a very uncertain time for my husband and I.