
Italian police cook dinner for an elderly couple grappling with loneliness.

Police in Rome, Italy have proven it’s sometimes the smallest acts that solve the biggest problems.

Having been called by neighbours who reported loud sobs coming from the residence of an elderly couple, police arrived to find there was no great scene — just the crying faces of a 94-year-old man and his 89-year-old wife.

Jole and Michele explained they often battled feelings of isolation, especially in the summer months when their neighbours would often leave.

A precautionary ambulance was called but instead of leaving, the officers asked if they could look in the pantry.

You can even see one officer doing the dishes in the background. Source: Facebook.

Inside sat three simple ingredients: pasta, butter and cheese.

A very humble meal was then cooked by the officers, who listened as the couple explained they only had the television for company — a source that too often only bore bad news.

The story of the couple was uploaded to the Facebook page of local police to share the effect of their small kindness.

Source: Facebook.

News of the couple's experience has moved thousands to comment, share and like the post on social media.

Many users thanked the police for the compassion they'd shown to the couple.

"It's not easy today in the lives of the elderly, they live longer but more loneliness, the police showed wisdom and empathy. Thank you," one user said.

"So sad and beautiful at the same time," another wrote.

One person even encouraged the officers to continue checking up on their elderly friends.

"Love you guys and I hope that one of you still continues to keep an eye over this couple. When the world is so ugly, your story is very inspirational," they said.

The post has been liked over 66,000 thousand times since it was posted last week — and it's a reminder to all of us that a little kindless goes a long way.


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