
The Australian Christian Lobby has launched a new fundraising page for Israel Folau, & more in News in 5.

— With AAP.

1. The Australian Christian Lobby has launched a new fundraising page for Israel Folau.

The Australian Christian Lobby has launched a new fundraising page for Israel Folau after his GoFundMe page was deleted.

The group’s managing director Martyn Iles tweeted a link to the page early on Tuesday morning, saying he had spoken to Folau and “we fixed it”.

Iles also said the group was donating $100,000 to the rugby player for his legal battle against Rugby Australia, which terminated his $4 million contract in May after he posted a biblical passage on social media stating that hell awaited “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters” unless they repented.

“On behalf of the Australian Christian Lobby, I have spoken to Israel Folau to let him know that ACL will be donating $100,000 to his legal defence, because it’s right and it sets an important legal precedent,” Iles wrote on the fundraising page.

“All gifts you give on this web page will be deposited into a trust account to pay for Israel Folau’s legal case.

“So, please give generously today to help Israel Folau stand for your religious freedom.”

At the time of writing, the page had raised more than $150,000.

Folau launched his GoFundMe appeal for $3 million on Friday and had raised more than $750,000 within four days.

But the fundraising platform on Monday said it was pulling the campaign because it violated their terms of service, and that it was issuing full refunds to the more than 7000 donors.


“As a company, we are absolutely committed to the fight for equality for LGBTIQ+ people and fostering an environment of inclusivity. While we welcome GoFundMe’s engaging in diverse civil debate, we do not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion,” GoFundMe Australia’s regional manager Nicola Britton said.

A spokesman for Folau said the campaign was in line with GoFundMe’s terms and conditions, as well as all relevant rules and regulations.

“Unfortunately, GoFundMe has buckled to demands against the freedom of Australians to donate to his cause,” the spokesman said.

“There appears to be a continuing campaign of discrimination against Israel and his supporters.”

2. Elder abuse by carer caught on camera in Adelaide.


A daughter suspicious about her elderly father’s care installed a hidden camera in his bedroom and was shocked to discover he was violently abused by an employee at one of Australia’s biggest aged care providers.

The confronting video showed Corey Lucas force-feeding 89-year-old Clarence Hausler, grabbing his arms and holding a napkin over his face while aggressively twisting his nose.

Noleen Hausler filmed the humiliating abuse of her dementia-affected and bedridden father in September 2015 at Mitcham Residential Care Facility in Adelaide, operated by Japara Healthcare.

She provided the footage to police and Lucas was later jailed over the aggravated assault.

Ms Hausler, who is a nurse, shared her late father’s story as part of a case study at the aged care royal commission in Perth on Monday.

“Being confronted with the visual images, I went into a state of shock and total concern for Father,” she said in her statement.

“My heart was racing (and) my hands were shaking.”

Mr Hausler repeatedly cried as she gave evidence at the hearing about her father, who spent about 13 years at the 38-bed facility, which Japara took over in 2014.


Over eight days, he was physically assaulted twice by Lucas and once by an agency employee.

“I had no idea that someone could possibly do that,” Ms Hausler said.

“I felt for dad in the fact that I didn’t protect him sufficiently.”

Ms Hausler had complained to the facility about her father being poorly handled by carers days before Lucas committed his crime, but she was accused of illegally spying on staff before finally being taken seriously.

The commission is examining whether Japara prioritised its own corporate interests and reputation over person-centred care.

Ms Hausler, whose father died in January 2017, said while some staff were dedicated and compassionate, Japara had a “profit-driven attitude”.

“I believe that my father’s quality of life suffered as a direct result of management’s culture,” she said.

“If a lesson can be learnt, it is that resident-centred care means everyone’s voice must be heard and respected regardless of being verbal, non-verbal, advocated, evidenced or witnessed.

“I believe extremely vulnerable loved ones in care, who mirror my father’s diminished capacity to speak or defend themselves, deserve additional protection in their private rooms.”

Commissioner Richard Tracey thanked Ms Hausler for sharing her “terrible experiences” to assist the commission’s understanding about the lack of care that occurs from time to time.


Outside, Ms Hausler told reporters having CCTV in rooms was a “no brainer” to ensure people were protected and said her father’s case was not an isolated incident.

“(It’s) very much a widespread problem in the sector … it happens all behind closed doors,” she said.

“These are the most vulnerable people … they can’t speak, they can’t raise the alarm.”

A Japara employee said she believed staff should have been told why Lucas had left the facility because some already knew “something had happened” but her superior’s decision stood firm.

3. Accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards ‘lied’ about area links.


The man accused of the Claremont serial killings lied to police when he denied any association with the area, the West Australian Supreme Court has heard.

At a directions hearing disputing what can be led against Bradley Robert Edwards at trial on Monday, it emerged the former Telstra technician worked at the Superdrome in neighbouring Mount Claremont in the 1990s.

Jane Rimmer, 23, Ciara Glennon, 27, and 18-year-old Sarah Spiers were murdered in 1996 and 1997, and last seen in Claremont.

Edwards told police he only worked at the complex, now known as HBF Stadium, after 2009.

But colleagues claimed he worked there for the World Aquatics Championships in 1991, and over the summer of 1997 and 1998.

“He has an admitted association with the area,” prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo said.

However, records could not confirm this, she said.

The court also heard suggestions Edwards – who is accused of attacking a woman while she slept and leaving behind a kimono stolen from a clothesline in 1988 – had a fetish for women’s undergarments dating back to age 13 or 14.

Mr Barbagallo said a woman had provided a statement that she found him in her bedroom, near her wardrobe, during a visit in 1982.

When she asked him what he was doing, he replied: “I’m just having a look around.”


She later found the straps of a black, lacy bra hanging out of a drawer, which was not the way she had left it.

“It’s a piece of evidence that shows his interest, we say, in women’s underclothing,” Ms Barbagallo said.

Defence counsel Paul Yovich objected, saying it did not reveal any propensity or tendency.

When Edwards was arrested and charged in 2016, police searched his home and found a box containing women’s undergarments with holes cut in them where the genitals would be and his DNA on them.

His interest in the clothing “persisted”, Ms Barbagallo said.

She has previously told the court Edwards could not explain his DNA being on the kimono and a 17-year-old girl after she was sexually assaulted at Karrakatta cemetery in 1995, for which he is also charged.

The 50-year-old, who has a conviction for assaulting a woman in 1990, also can’t explain why his DNA was found on Ms Glennon.

Ms Barbagallo argues the allegations against Edwards show an escalation in his offending and the murders coincided with a major relationship breakdown, which ended with him being betrayed.

He showed no emotion when he saw his ex kissing another man, but his best friend at the time stated Edwards was drinking heavily and spoke about thinking of ending his life, Ms Barbagallo said.

Mr Yovich said the state’s “emotional upset” evidence was purely speculative.


“Your honour is being asked to be amateur psychologist,” he said.

“It is an exercise in guesswork.”

Ms Barbagallo also said a woman who dated the accused claimed he once drove her to a bush location “for no apparent reason”, which was a “curious thing to do”.

The prosecutor noted the bodies of Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer were found in bushland.

Mr Yovich questioned how taking a girl somewhere “and doing nothing” proved anything.

The body of Sarah Spiers, 18, has never been found.

4. Scott Morrison promises “healthy balance” on climate change.

Scott Morrison says he's demonstrated commitment to the coalition's emissions reduction goal. Image: Getty.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his government will strike a "healthy balance" between jobs and the environment when it takes action on climate change.

Mr Morrison says he's demonstrated commitment to the coalition's emissions reduction goal - a 26 per cent reducing on 2005 levels by 2030 - by mapping out how it will occur.

"We must continue to take action on climate change, and will, but I think Australians will know we will keep a healthy balance in how we go about that," he told reporters in Perth on Monday.

Mr Morrison says the recent election campaign wasn't a vote on either taking, or not taking action.

"Both sides of politics put forward plans to take action on climate change," he said.

"Those who think it was a repudiation of that, I think, have misread what occurred at that election."

Mr Morrison said he would work with the states and territories on how they can help the coalition achieve the goal.

But he says states and territories with more ambitious climate targets should have clear policies and mechanisms to achieve them.

"All I know is that when any target is set that is not responsible and there are not clear policies and mechanisms that achieves it, all it tends to do is crush business and investment confidence and cost jobs," he said.


"So I think we should all be working together to create jobs, not cost them. And the (federal) government sets our overall emissions reduction targets."

Western Australia is currently developing its own climate change policy which will be revealed towards the end of the year.

NSW, Victoria and Queensland are aiming for net zero emissions by 2050, which the ACT is hoping to achieve by 2045 at the latest.

Tasmania and South Australia have a greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal of 60 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050.

The Northern Territory does not have its own emissions reduction target.

5. ABC and News Corp to challenge controversial AFP raid warrants.


The ABC has launched legal action over the police raid on its Sydney headquarters, while News Corp Australia has flagged a legal challenge of its own.

The public broadcaster on Monday said it had lodged an application in the Federal Court to set aside the warrant that authorised the AFP raid on June 5 and to demand the return of seized files.

The ABC is also seeking a permanent injunction to prevent the AFP from accessing the material seized.

"The ABC is asking the court for a declaration that the warrant was invalid on several technical grounds that underline the fundamental importance of investigative journalism and protection of confidential sources," managing director David Anderson said in a statement.

"We are also challenging the constitutional validity of the warrant on the basis that it hinders our implied freedom of political communication."

The ABC's Ultimo offices were raided on June 5 in relation to stories published in 2017 alleging Australian soldiers may have carried out unlawful killings in Afghanistan, based on leaked Defence papers.

During a search, AFP officers took possession of about 100 documents, on national security grounds. The contents were transferred to USB sticks and placed in sealed bags.


Also on Monday, News Corp said it intends to mount a legal challenge over the validity of the warrant the AFP used to conduct its raid on the home of journalist Annika Smethurst.

The warrant executed at her Canberra home on June 4 was over the 2018 publication of a leaked plan to allow the Australian Signals Directorate to spy on Australians.

Executive chairman of News Corp Australasia Michael Miller said the company would challenge the validity of the warrant "because we are determined to fight for journalism and for the public's right to know".

"We also invite the AFP to confirm that it is discontinuing its investigation into both Annika and News Corp," Mr Miller said in a statement on Monday evening.

Mr Anderson said the ABC was determined to defend its journalists and the work they do informing the public.

"The AFP has given an undertaking not to access the files until our proceedings are determined," he said.

"Because of the court proceedings, I cannot add much more."

A full hearing on the matter isn't expected until late July or early August.

"Rest assured, though, that the ABC will be using every avenue over the next few weeks to defend the actions of its journalists and to seek legislative changes that protect the media's ability to report on matters of public interest," Mr Anderson said.

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