A little while ago I did something that came up in conversation with friends over dinner. It sparked a mixture of passionate opinions, raised eyebrows, thumbs up of support, and endless inappropriate jokes. It’s fair to say my friendship group is divided on whether what I did was acceptable or completely wrong town. So here’s how the story rolls.
I was babysitting one of my best friends’ little two-year-old girl, Molly*. She was sleeping at my place for the night, so after our 63rd episode of Dora The Explorer, I decided to run her a bubble bath. She happily splashed away in the tub while I gave her a scrub and shampooed her little locks. After she was squeaky clean I jumped in the bath too and had a shower.
When my boyfriend got home later that night I told him the events of my day. The debrief included that my little mate and I had showered together. He turned to me and said, “Isn’t that a bit…um…weird?” I hadn’t given it a second thought, but his scrunched up face me panic that I’d done something wrong.
I have known Molly for her entire 24-month existence. I held her when she was 5 hours old, have changed her nappy a hundred times, and kissed her knees when she’s fallen over. I absolutely love her to bits. Why would it be weird for me to shower with her?
The second my friend arrived to collect her daughter I blurted out, “So I showered with Molly… hope that was ok!” Naturally my friend didn’t bat an eyelid. With a smug look on my face I turned to my boyfriend and dropped the old “I told you so”.
Fast forward to last night’s dinner party. This one small attempt to save water and time, created so many fictional scenarios and questions. If Molly were five would it still be acceptable? Should I have checked with her parents first? If Molly was a little boy would that change things?