We need to talk about Troy.
The hairflippin’, aggressive teeth-brushing fake groom who has the whole of Australia like this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
You see, Channel Nine has led us to believe that Troy is a human man who likes his hair, doing push ups, making bland mince, and his fake-wife Ashley… in that order.
But we know better.
Clare and Jessie Stephens discuss Troy making a new best friend on last night’s episode. Post continues.
We know he’s an alien from outer space, who has been sent here to takeover Earth, one crappy reality TV show at a time.
To help us get to the bottom of this obvious worldwide conspiracy, we’re going to have to call on the assistance of Agents Mulder and Scully from the FBI’s special X-Files unit.
To prepare them for their mission, we have gathered together six clues that Troy is most definitely not a human adult:
1. The teeth brushing
We’re pretty sure Troy had never touched a toothbrush… or toothpaste… before this scene was shot.