Rebecca Black is 13 and may just have one of the latest Internet hits on her hands. Not because she’s a singing genius (or is she?) but because she has performed what may well be the worst song in history. It’s called Friday and it’s about Friday and having ‘fun, fun, fun’. You may have seen mentions to the song around but until you watch it you cannot over-estimate how, err, terrible it is. So terrible some have put the argument that it’s brilliant satire. You decide.
Our 20-year-old site co-ordinator Nat reckons the song is endearing. At least she’s not writhing around on a pole like some other young singers, right? Her friends are kind of dorky and not ‘Hollywood’ cool, so surely we should cut her some slack?
Oh, the song is also number 25 on the iTunes charts. Which people paid for. So who’s laughing now?
So, is it really that bad? Is there a worse song that comes to mind?
Let us know.
[youtube CD2LRROpph0 640 390]