My father has a goatee beard and it’s been a while since I’ve had a wax.
The point of giving you this information is so you’ll understand this: I knew my 19-month-old daughter (The Sprout) had started to register an awareness of what my body looked like when she watched me step out of the shower, pointed to my nether regions and exclaimed “Grandpa!”
That was two weeks ago. This week I finally visited my local house of wax. This morning when I stepped out of the shower, The Sprout pointed to where ‘Grandpa’ used to be and simply said “Gone!” So now I’m pondering the question: to wax or not to wax? Do I keep clearing my old growth forest or do I leave it there for (my) future generations to see?
My concern is that by continuing to wax any part of my body, I’m setting my daughter up with the notion that hairlessness is the norm. When puberty hits and she starts to get her fuzz on, is my preference for hair removal going to make her feel like she has to do and look the same?
The fact is that I’ve waxed for years and only because that’s how I like me. Magazines have never made me feel pressured to do it. My peers – of both sexes – have never made me feel pressured to do it. If anyone’s to blame it would probably have to be my beauty therapist, who while doing my standard bikini wax one day asked “Would you like to try taking a bit more off?” And even she wasn’t pressuring me: I’m pretty sure she was probably just trying her luck on getting more revenue out of my appointments. “Would you like to try taking a bit more off” was just her version of “Would you like fries with that?” (Or perhaps it was more like a McDonald’s upsize that, ironically, involved a downsize of my ladygarden.)