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My periods came once a month until they stopped. And when they stopped, a part of me stopped with them.
Like every woman on the contraceptive pill, I had played ‘God’ with my periods before, skipping the lolly tablets for a special event or holiday. But that was always in my control. When my periods ceased for two years and three months (and yes, I was counting) due to extreme weight loss from a chronic illness, that was anything other than in my control.
I never appreciated how integral periods are to a woman in her fertile years, until my body showed me exactly how much it physically and emotionally missed them.
RELATED: “I got my period while running a marathon – and decided to let it flow.”
The day my period returned was one of the most emotional days of my life. I had started to get a little cramping that morning and had said to myself, “You know what, I miss you; I miss my periods, I’m ready for you to come back.” Was it my body feeling loved or just simply coincidental, but later that day, sitting on the toilet in a country town pub, I finally saw those so desperately missed stains of blood.
I walked into the nearest chemist in a haze; I called my mother with tears streaming down my cheeks; and I sat with my hands on my womb for what seemed like an eternity. Talking to a girlfriend later that week, she said she hadn’t heard such excitement around a period since our days of entering puberty. To mark the event I returned some of my blood to the earth, in a sign of gratitude, as we as women did many, many moons ago. (Post continues after gallery).