
How much would you pay to find out if your partner was on Tinder?


How much would you pay to find out if your partner was on Tinder?

A new website is banking on your curiosity offering a service that will tell users if an individual is using Tinder and when they were swiping.

The service costs $4.99 for three individual busts – so after you’ve ruined your own relationship, why not take a shot at those around you.

All the site requires is your partner’s name, age, gender and approximate location.

Source: Swipebusters website.

The creator of the website spoke to Vanity Fair anonymously with the warning there was too much data about individuals available.

"Not only are people over sharing and putting out a lot of information about themselves, but companies are also not doing enough to let people know they're doing it," he said.

Source: SSwipebusters website.

It was also reported that his intention behind the service was not to make a quick (but dirty) buck but to educate individuals about how much data about them was out there.

It also sounds like an easy way to profit off the insecurities of others.

The service is said to work internationally but I'm not game enough to try it.

I think I have a little more than $4.99 worth of trust.

While we're on the subject, let's revisit some of our most embarrassing (and memorable!) dates: 

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