When I was working at Channel 9, I had this idea for a show: Is My Child Normal?
I thought it was quite genius (I didn’t last long as a TV executive, clearly). It wasn’t going to be a reality show, more like a lifestyle show. Like Getaway or something. OK, yes, I was a bit short on the details but the premise was FANTASTIC.
Because really, it’s the secret question every parent asks at various times, during various stages when their child starts doing something a bit baffling.
Some parents ask this question more than others. About some kids more than others. But I have to say there have been moments in all my kids’ lives from birth until now where I’ve gone “Hmmmm” or even “WTF?!?”.
We all want reassurance that whatever odd thing our kid is doing or saying or eating or wearing is… you know… on the normal spectrum. We all want someone to wash away our secret worries with a conspiratorial laugh and a “Oh totally normal! My kid did that same thing and now she’s a Rhodes Scholar.”
Yes, I know what you’re thinking: why don’t you just ask your friends. It’s not that simple. Firstly, not everyone has a ‘village’ of friends and family around them to provide advice and reassurance (read THIS post to find out why).