
Proof we favour our mums over our dads.

Sorry Dad.

So apparently we’re spending a lot more money on our mums than we are our dads. A LOT more. In fact according to a recent study done by Quidco, we are spending nearly double on our mums in a life time.

A study from the UK looked at how much sons and daughters spend on gifts for both their parents, annually and in a life time. Daughters came out on top as the most generous (especially for their mums).

Us daughters seem to enjoy spoiling our mums – taking them shopping, splurging on beauty spas, picking up the bill and just randomly giving gifts to the main woman in our lives.

Daughters spend a whopping $14,100 on their mums in a lifetime, while they only spend $6,457 on their dads. And as for sons, they spend $12,670 on their mums and $6,423 on their dads.

Here is a breakdown from an infographic commissioned by Quidco (a cash back and voucher code site) about the spending.

What daughter's spend on their mums.

We seem to enjoy splurging during Christmas and on birthdays, but spontaneous gifts and meals come in at a close second.

Here is what we spend on our dads.

What daughter's spend on their dads.

Again we'll spoil our main man on Christmas and for his birthday, but otherwise daughter's seem to flatline out. We just don't spoil dad rotten like we do mum.


We spend almost double on our mothers.

And boys are no different. Here's what they spend on mum...

What son's spend on their mums.

Christmas and meals seem to be the main places that a guy will spend money on their mum throughout a lifetime.

But dad, poor dad gets a lot less...

What sons spend on their dads.

Christmas is really the only significant spend on this list - boys don't seem to want to spoil dad too much.

The rest of the study didn't present much great news for dads at showed that special occasions such as birthdays and Father's Day are more likely to be forgotten when they're for dad. Sons are worse at forgetting the special days than daughters (so maybe it's just karma).

And if we needed to rip a little harder on the hearts strings (sorry dads) 85 per cent of daughters and 80 per cent of sons in the survey said that they were closer to mum.

We still love you dad. We really do.

Do you agree with the findings?

Want more? Try:

"Christmas presents, how much is too much?"

"Don't judge me siblings don't spend enough money on me."

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