
Inside the bizarre conspiracy theory that Kylie Jenner is Kim Kardashian's surrogate.

On Wednesday (Australian time), news broke that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had welcomed a daughter via a surrogate.

The ‘healthy’ baby girl was born at 12:47am on January 15, weighing 7lb 6oz.

But on Twitter, people are convinced this surrogate was actually Kim’s 20-year-old sister Kylie, who has been reported to be pregnant since September last year.

After all, we know the surrogate is a “20-something, fit, female” which SOUNDS A LOT LIKE KYLIE.

On Friday, a rumour started online that Kylie Jenner had gone into labor and had been rushed to hospital.

Firstly there was a rogue Snapchat from maybe-dad Travis Scott with what looked like the ceiling of an airplane with the caption “Make it home to ya one way or another,” which many interpreted as: My baby is coming and I’ve got to get home.


Next, reports came in with suspected Kylie sightings from hospital staff (what confidentiality agreement?). That, mixed with the continued quiet social media feeds of the Kardashian clan, was enough to tip the situation into delirium.

However, as quickly as this house of cards was built up, it also came crashing down. Host Sophie Julia immediately backtracked, and an eagle-eyed fan realised that the image from Travis Scott’s Instagram was actually from last December.


TMZ later confirmed the reports were a false alarm, but that’s not important, because Twitter had feelings:

Image via Twitter.

Ever since September, people have been invested in this surrogate theory.

And it doesn't look like they're going to abandon it any time soon.

....At least until Kylie either opens up about her pregnancy or gives birth to her own baby.

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