We have necklaces that tell us when to stop eating, belts that tighten when you’ve eaten too much food, and apps that tell you to step away from the fridge.
Just when you thought there were enough portion-controlling devices in existence, we now have a plate that counts the calories in your food.
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Fitly, the company behind SmartPlate, describe it as “the first intelligent plate that instantly tracks and analyzes everything you eat”; meaning you “never enter anything manually again!”.
The plate weighs your food, pulls calorie and nutrient counts from the USDA, and adds them to a tracker.
Hidden in its sides are three digital cameras that photograph the food, as well as sensors to determine how much the food weighs. These pictures and weight are relayed to a mobile device, which sends the information to an android app. The app also has a scanner that lets users scan in barcodes.
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The actual SmartPlate will be ready for release in 2016, and has 34 days left on Kickstarter, with 377 backers and $41, 179 of the $100, 000 goal raised.
The "intelligent plate" proposes to count every calorie that is placed on it, as explained in this video:
Great, right? Well, apart from the downsides of having to the clean the plate after every meal (it isn't dishwasher safe), and not being able to microwave the dish, there are health implications associated with a calorie-centric diet.