
WARNING: Anti-vaxxers register new political party.

There’s a new political party in Australia, the Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party.

The Party, which uses the tagline “Hands Off My Baby, says it aims to defend the rights of Australians to decide whether or not they should be medicated, and that it will work to repeal legislation that compels children to be vaccinated against the wishes of their parents.

The Party rejects the fluoridation of water and penalties applied to families who do not vaccinate their children.

Their Facebook page is filled with links to pseudo-science sites like ‘The Truth About Cancer’, ‘Truth Kings’, and the notorious Australian Vaccination Network.

The Involuntary Medication Objectors Party endorsed Health Australia Party candidates during the 2016 election.

Watch Riley Hughes’ parents talk about the importance of mandatory vaccinations. Post continues after video.

In a 2015 video, Michael O’Neil, the Party’s listed spokesperson and founder suggested herd immunity was “scientifically unsustainable”.


Today, Mr O’Neil told Mamamia the Party was hoping to slip their registration through quietly.

“I just don’t want people agitating the AEC with frivolous complaints that might not agree with the stand we take on vaccination and fluoridation,” he said.

“Technically there’s really no place in the objection process for frivolous complaints anyway, so it’s probably just a tad paranoid on my behalf.”

Post continues below.

Video by Involuntary Medication Objectors party

Mr O’Neil stressed that the Party’s focus was on programs that employ coercive practices that medicate people against their will.

“There are people in Australia who claim their children are damaged, I’m one of them, by the vaccination program. We believe they are not heard.

“There is a responsibility in good government to investigate the claim.

“Everybody has the right to be able to raise their children, and to treat them in a way they believe is the right way.”


Mr O’Neil told Mamamia that his eldest son, now 32, had a “severe reaction” to his first vaccine.

“We somewhat ignored that. When he had his second round of vaccinations, he became very ill, very ill. And we decided that something seriously went wrong. We decided not to do it anymore.”

When Mr O’Neil was asked to elaborate on his claims that herd immunity was scientifically unsustainable he stated there was an absence of science in the area.

“We’ve not seen any evidence that would prove the claim that herd immunity is safeguarding the population or that people who are unvaccinated are causing a threat to the general population. We feel there is an absence of science.

“We’ve spoken to people who should know. I’ve contacted a number of departments and asked for information.”

When pressed, Mr O’Neil said he had spoken to Kathy Scarborough (president of a South Australian anti-vaccination group) and Judy Wilyman (who completed a PhD at the University of Wollongong on vaccination choice), but was not able to name which departments he had been in contact with.

Mr O’Neil said the Party did not yet have any other policies or positions related to issues in the current political debate.

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