I’m going to let you in on a secret that changed my life and broke me out of the diet cycle: any form of controlled eating will just cause you more problems.
Why? Well I’m bloody glad you asked. Dieting creates an emotional relationship with food. Food isn’t out to get you and make you fat. It’s just energy. An emotional relationship with food causes guilt, feelings of failure and obsession over the foods you’ve been told are ‘bad’.
Labeling food as “good” and “bad” causes you to constantly think about food. Every time some “bad” food is near you, you have a mental struggle with yourself about having some. When you inevitably crack and “break your diet” you go nuts and eat all of it. Every last Tim Tam in the damn packet. Then you feel guilty. Like a failure. You swear to do better tomorrow. The cycle continues.
It was learning about Intuitive Eating that helped me break that pattern for good.
What is Intuitive Eating? In a nutshell, Intuitive Eating is about re-learning how you were born to eat. Your natural hunger and satiety cues. Listening to your body. Society messes up these natural cues. I’m being nice. Society royally effs up your natural cues.
So Intuitive Eating takes practice – it took me a long time after 10+ years of being a diet pro. (Diet Pro = Tried every diet Google could find me and knew the calorie count of pretty much everything). Intuitive Eating gave me my freedom back around food. You can eat anything and everything you want and most importantly, never think about food negatively again.