
Anna Heinrich on her favourite beauty buys and dealing with constant relationship speculation.


Image: Getty.

It was around this time in 2013 when Australia was first getting to know Anna Heinrich. The vivacious lawyer won the first season of The Bachelor Australia, and two years on she’s still very much in the public eye — and still very much in love with ex-Bachie, Tim Robards.

The 28-year-old has worked with charities, was a finalist on I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here, and launched her own lifestyle website, Love Always Anna Heinrich. Plus, she’s currently an ambassador for Oral-B.

We caught up with Anna recently and pressed her for all her beauty and fitness tips.

How does it feel to have your relationship constantly under the microscope, and see headlines like ‘When is Tim going to propose to Anna’?

“It really doesn’t bother me any more. At the end of the day we’re just the same as any other couple in a relationship. Keeping it real is the most important thing for us. We’re in a really happy and healthy relationship and we love growing with one another. That’s what important to us.”

How do you deal with that question?

“I understand people wanting to know, as they’ve been on the journey with us from the beginning. Forming a relationship on a show like The Bachelor goes hand in hand with those sorts of questions.”

Anna and Tim. (Image via Getty.)

Tim is super fit and so are you. Has he changed your outlook on fitness?

"I’ve always been into health and fitness, and I was heavily involved in athletics, touch football and hockey at school. Tim has certainly helped channel me in the direction I want to go, which is great. I feel strong and healthy, and staying active, with a balanced diet, and a balanced life is all part of my every day now… but I’ll never pass up a square of dark chocolate."

What’s the best workout tip he’s given you?

"Don't be afraid to lift heavy. Training to exhaustion shocks the body to create change rather than going through the motions." (Post continues after gallery.)

During The Bachelor we loved all your bold lipsticks. What are your favourites?

"One of my all-time faves would have to be Lady Danger by MAC ($36). I also love Cremesheen [in] Ravishing by MAC ($36) and Cocorico by L’Oreal ($21.95)."


What are your favourite budget beauty products, and why?

Sugar Baby Bronze Cream ($19.95): "I use it at least once a week to enhance my tan or to add an instant glow to my skin before a big event. It really makes me glow and feel more confident about my skin."

Oral-B 3D White Whitestrips ($29.99): "This is my best beauty secret – your smile is definitely something people remember you by. [The Whitestrips] contain the same ingredient that dentists use to whiten teeth and are really easy to use. They make a really noticeable difference – so many of my friends and family have been commenting on how white my teeth are. I've also been using the 3DW LUXE toothpaste to maintain the results."

For many celebrities, posting pics on Instagram and getting negative comments can be hard.

"I think anyone with access to social media has probably received a nasty comment. Unfortunately, it’s the age we live in... Having a thick skin and not letting things get to you is imperative. It’s more about how you deal with something than being affected by it.

"Having said that, I think it’s sad that people feel the need to lash out and be nasty. I’m a big believer in karma, and I firmly believe that if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it."

"We’re just the same as any other couple in a relationship." (Image via Instagram @annaheinrich.)

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve been thrown in life so far and how have you overcome it?

"Completing two university degrees was challenging, but I’ve never been afraid of hard work. Also, going on The Bachelor was extremely challenging as I felt completely and utterly out of my comfort zone. It’s a world I couldn’t even comprehend."

Did you watch the first season of The Bachelor?

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