
To the women who help other women: Thank you.

Former US Secretary Of State Madeleine Albright famously said there was a special place in hell for women who didn’t help other women

The phrase might be controversial, but the message rings clear: assisting one another and recognising our shared struggles is what will help us overcome them.

In celebration of International Women’s Day today, we decided to speak about the women who inspire, who listen and who lift each other up.

The theme of IWD this year is for women to be “Bold For Change” but we also want to celebrate those who are already kicking goals (big or small).

We made a short video that celebrates the unsung heroes, the women who help others without expecting anything in return. It’s currently playing above.

A little help goes a long way. (Source: original.)

IWD began in the 1900s as a way to recognise the social, economic, political and cultural achievements of women around the world. Since then, the campaign has gone from strength to strength in efforts to empower and celebrate.

It may be over a hundred years since it launched, but its message remains not just relevant but necessary.

We can only hope it won't take another century until women everywhere can live on equal wage, in equal jobs and without the constant threat of violence.

Feminism is about equality and it's about time we saw it.

Listen below to hear about another unsung hero kicking goals for women everywhere.

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