
Today is the day to help another mum. And here's why.


This mum was having a shocking day when a few small kindnesses turned it all around. Now, she says, it’s time to pay it forward.


It was when I was standing in the 10 items or less aisle at Woolies with my right boob hanging outtrying to feed a screaming three week old and hold onto a toddler with a poo in his undies going crazy that I witnessed the power of Mothers.

The three Mums in front of me in the line quietly retreated from their positions, took my trolley and led me to the front of the line.  They helped me pay, took my smelly toddler by the hand and walked us to our car.

It was a small gesture, but I was very tired and emotional and their help in that moment stayed with me for a long time.

After my third baby I had severe, frequent migraines. Again, not the biggest problem in the world but for me it was an incredibly hard time. I had three children under four, you could say I had a fairly intense job and I was in constant, sometimes debilitating pain.

A Mum, now a dear friend, would come and watch my children on the days I was really bad. She would play with them, cook them dinner and help put them to bed.

These may be small gestures, but to me at that time they changed my life. They improved my ability to cope, to care

It is inherent within us as Mums to help other Mums. Whether it is the lasagne you take to the Mother of a newborn, or the groceries you pick up for your friend that’s looking after sick kids, we all do it.


Whether it is the baby you offer to hold so a Mum can take her toddler to the public toilet, or the school drop off you do for a friend – these gestures are commonplace for us.

And we do it because we all know there are times when being a Mum is just damn hard and giving another Mum a hand makes a big difference to them.

Today (Saturday, March 8) is International Women’s Day and there are 100,000 solo Mums that are having a tough time.

They need our help.  We are asking the Federal Government to increase their earning capacity to $180 a fortnight before their Newstart payment is cut.  We are asking for this so they can spend more time studying, upskilling, and training so they can enter higher paid work and go off welfare forever.

To help them do this, we want 10,000 Australian Mums to come together for our “Mum to Mum” campaign and tell the federal government we want this change for our sisters.

Because we all have days when being a Mum is tough but I am not sure I can imagine how tough it would be to do it by myself – with very little money.

It may be a small gesture for you, but it could make a big difference to another Mum.

As Mothers we have a lot of power to help each other out.   So today on this important day for women around the world please take one minute to help a Mum. Go to and be one of the 10,000 Mums that brings about this change.

Will you be part of this helping hand for struggling solo mums?

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