
Ideas for a first date that won't leave you searching for the Exit sign.

How great are first dates? How great is the forced small-talk, an often clichéd location, and the occasional desire to absolutely, 100 per cent get the hell out of there?

I’m kidding, first dates are the worst. And second to the struggle that is sitting through a first date in the hope the person across from you has a little, how do you say, potential, comes the need to pick a date that isn’t boring or intimidating.

So our first tip when it comes to sorting out a date? Go seasonal. Run with the weather. If it’s sunny, use the sun to your advantage. If it’s cold, go to an ice skating rink. They do it on The Bachelor all the time, so it must be legit. (I think?)

First dates don't have to be cliched. (Image: Getty)

Beer tasting

Or, alternatively, wine tasting if that's your thing. It's a little different to meeting at your local bar, shows you've put some thought into the occasion and gives you a little bit of liquid courage (if you need it).


I'm sure if you look up the definition of 'picnic' somewhere in Google, the word lame would be right behind it. As lame as they may appear, picnics might be a less formal way to grab a drink without the prying eyes and eyes of those on the tables around you. As one fellow Mamamia staffer puts it, her perfect date is a "couple of sundowners with a nice backdrop, a picnic rug and maybe some snacks - keeping it super relaxed".

Places where you can win

Those who say they don't like to win are almost lying to themselves and the people around them. You do like to win, of course you do. So why not create a date where you can do just that?

Osher Gunsberg has some advice for a girl who keeps falling for the same crappy guys. Post continues after audio.

Think mini-golf, if you're so-golfing-inclined, or bowling, if you're good enough to play without the barrier lining the sides of the alley. If you're not, forget about it. No-one wants to look like they have the coordination of a three-year-old on first impressions.



Before you loudly and frustratingly declare that you can't cook and as such this is a thoughtless idea, stop for a second and consider that being a terrible cook might just be the endearing trait you need.

Cook some food together, and if you can't cook, crack a joke about it. And if you can't crack a joke, well then cook better. Problem solved!

I had a girlfriend who once went on a first date to her date's house where they cooked dinner, and they're still together two years on. Therefore, spend your first date cooking with someone and you're guaranteed to spend the next two years with them. You heard it here first.

Live gigs

Live gigs, from everything from comedy nights to music concerts might be the best way to break the ice. After all, you don't even really have to talk to one another. And on the off chance you want to say something, conversation is right in front of you. Just bring up the quality of the gig. EASY. (Post continues after gallery.)


Because avocado, cafes and a callous disregard for your bank balance. Brunch is a ripper first date idea if you like food and lazy mornings. And the best part? If the date is going well,  you can extend it out to the rest of the day. If it's not? Call it early and get the hell outta there.

What are your most memorable first dates? Let us know in the comments section below. 

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