
Take the intelligence test that's taken over your Facebook feed.

Nothing says ‘I’m smarter than you’ like sharing an intelligence test on your social media. It’s not bragging, right? It’s just 2016’s answer to the: ‘Mum, I drew THIS. LOOK at it.’ Whether you’re a fan or a fighter, puzzles that test your photographic memory or ability to locate a symbol have become wildly popular.

An intelligence test posted on Facebook has been rapidly shared across the platform for its perplexing puzzle and all-too satisfying answer. The test asks users to ‘share’ if they can solve the problem. If everyone is being an honest Harry, it would seem as though three million Facebook users have solved it.

The goal is to identify the pattern in the numbers. Can you see it?

Source: Facebook.

Got it yet?

If you're having trouble solving it, you may need to just break it down and look at it a bit differently.

6 + 4 = 210

9 + 2 = 711

8 + 5 = 313

5 + 2 = 37

7 + 6 = 113

9 + 8 = 117

10 + 6 = 416

15 + 3 = 1218

Now try looking at it with the three-digit numbers on the right-hand side separated.

6 + 4 = 2 10

9 + 2 = 7 11

8 + 5 = 3 13

5 + 2 = 3 7

Get it yet?

The answer is to pick up on the pattern that emerges on the rightmost side.


6 + 4 = (2) 10

9 + 2 = (7) 11

8 + 5 = (3) 13

Source: YouTube/Screenshot/Presh Talwalker

And then notice the same pattern is on the left but it has been reversed:

6 - 4 = 2 (10)

9 - 2 = 7 (11)

8 - 5 = 3 (13)

The test - like all good internet tests - is meant to dictate whether you have an IQ of higher than 150. IQs that exceed 150 are meant to indicate superior intelligence or that a person is a 'genius'.


The Australian Mensa association will offer membership to those whose IQ score sits in the top 2 per cent. Tests that measure IQ are often thought to measure an individual's ability to pick up on randomness and make sense of it.

Source: Screenshot/Warner Bros.

The test has become so popular that an online puzzle-master on video-hosting website YouTube has even created a spin-off test that requires users to actually state their answer - not just click 'share'.

User Presh Talwalker's test is similar to the first but slightly more complicated. It requires users to work out what numbers they'd need to get the score 123.


? + ? = 123

If you apply the same rules as what it is seen before:

6 + 4 = 210

9 + 2 = 711

8 + 5 = 313

5 + 2 = 37

You may think,  I know how to get to 23. You could do 22 + 1 or 20 + 3.

This would be wrong because it ignores the second pattern that's hidden within the numbers.

In the same way that 6 + 4 = 10.

6 + 4 = 2 10

6 - 4 also equals 2.

The answer to the puzzle-master's problem is therefore two numbers that can be combined to reach 23 but also subtracted from one another to give the answer of 1.

? + ? = 123

? + ? = 1 23

Therefore: 12 + 11 = 123.

Because 12 - 11 = 1 and 12 + 11 = 23.

Are you following? You may just be a genius.

Now that we've had a bit of mental exercise, let's work out our bodies with a laugh courtesy of Those Two Girls... 

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