
24 hours with Hannah Starkey: Social worker, counsellor and mum.

Hannah Watters


Over the next few weeks, we’ll be bringing you a series of ’24 hours with’ where we profile some very inspirational women.

Here at Mamamia, we know being a mum is a pretty tough job on it’s own.

So when you add studying and working to the midnight feeds and nappy changes, we think you are, put simply, wow.

That is why we decided to sit down with Hannah Starkey. She is a wife to her husband Drew and mum to her four-month-old daughter Theodora (Teddy).

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Dove. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

When she isn’t on maternity leave (and working part-time), she is a full-time social worker and counsellor at a local community centre. Just in case that wasn’t enough, she is also studying a Masters in Counselling.

This is her 24 hours.


I wake up when Teddy gets up, which is usually around 6:30am. My first hour of the day is a mad rush to get her fed and changed, eat my breakfast, shower and play with Teddy. Breakfast is usually eggs, toast or muesli, whatever I have time for.

Starting the day (officially)

Hannah with her family

I’m currently on maternity leave so I’ve only been back to work for a few meetings during the day. However, I’m also studying my counselling Masters so this is my work too! A day can involve taking Teddy to her babysitter (my in-laws or my mum comes to my house), heading to my meeting where I take notes and facilitate discussion, grabbing lunch at a spare moment (usually I pack my own), trying to squeeze in some uni work or meeting with my counselling supervisor.

As a social worker and counsellor, I love meeting interesting people, hearing about their life story and working with them to help achieve their goals. My job is never boring and no two days are the same. One day, I’m at a high school helping to facilitate a workshop on healthy relationships and self esteem and the next day I’m planning a sports mentoring program. Plus, I have a fantastic team to work with at Greenacre Community Centre – I really admire my co-workers.


I don’t really finish work at a set time, often I’m studying at night, facilitating a counselling session or trying to finish an assignment. But I only have one cup of coffee a day – a self imposed rule after indulging too many times.

Getting home at the end of the day

My husband and I take turns picking Teddy up if she has been baby sat and once we’re both home the first couple of hours are family time. We usually play together with Teddy, read books or run her bath. Sometimes I’ll take a walk if my day has been stressful.

grocery shopping on weekends

Once the baby is asleep

After Teddy goes to sleep, we eat dinner and tidy up, then hit the books for some study. Both my husband and I study part-time so we have to squeeze in uni work where we can. If we’re not studying, we usually watch The Blacklist or Castle on our laptops. Ever since we moved overseas to Tonga, we haven’t owned a TV so we read a lot!

Our bedtime

We’re usually off to bed at about 10:30pm. The last thing I do is move Teddy back from whatever position she’s rolled in her cot, tuck her in and kiss my husband good night.


See more of Hannah’s busy life here:


Which woman inspires you?

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