
"The moment I realised my biggest inspiration was the women close to me."

Truvée Wines
Thanks to our brand partner, Truvée Wines

It probably took until I was about 21 for me to realise the golden influence I was surrounded by growing up.

The women around me (people like my mum, my grandma and my sister) spent more time telling me what I could wear, where I could go and what I could say rather than actively trying to lift me up. Or so I thought.

It’s only the power of hindsight that gave me the vision and the clarity to realise that lifting me up was exactly what they were doing all along. Their strict rules were protecting me, their work ethic subconsciously imposing itself on me.

Their desire to literally steal half my dinner to give to someone going through a rough time was teaching me that kindness and generosity should be exercised no matter the circumstance.

It took me 21 years to realise I didn’t need to turn on the television, read a book or go to the movies to be inspired, as a woman, by women. Instead, all I had to do was observe, so very closely, the women around me. Inspiration and motivation was so much closer than I’d ever dared to consider.


"Inspiration and motivation was so much closer than I'd ever dared to consider." Image: Supplied.

1. Humility.

After all this time, I realised the women around me were so humble. So much of their lives were spent acting on behalf of other people. So much of their existence centred on work that wasn't recognised, celebrated or talked about. They certainly were never ones to draw attention to themselves.

House work, naturally, being just one of these things. Of course, the men around me lent their hands and pulled their weight, but there was always an overriding sense that it was the women who did the majority of the work. And they never bragged nor complained.

They weren't alone. It's believed women worldwide devote an average of 4.5 hours each day to unpaid work - cooking, cleaning, changing the baby's nappies. Men contribute less than half that much time, according to data by the OECD.

It was this example of being a quiet, humble achiever that I have found so inspiring.

2. They can acknowledge when things aren't okay.

One of the greatest things I've learnt from the women around me is their totally genuine way of owning up to things that aren't okay. They can acknowledge when their mind is feeling a little lost and their heart a little broken. And they talk through those things.


A mind survey of 2,000 people revealed that women are more likely to talk through problems, with 53 per cent of women detailing that it is one of the most therapeutic ways they overcome their worries.

Because looking someone in the eye and being able to acknowledge that your world isn't so rosy at that point in time is a source of inspiration in and of itself.

3. Their time for others.

If there's one thing a busy woman doesn't have, it's time. But if there's one thing a generous, busy woman will give you, it's their time.

"There's one thing a generous, busy woman will give you, it's their time." Image: Giphy.


Some of the best women I have ever met have been my mentors in one way or another. From teachers at school, former sporting coaches to my colleagues and bosses at work, it's the women who give younger women their time, their energy and their expertise that inspire me the most.

Because not only does this idea of lifting each other up have better outcomes for all involved, it provides women with the simple and underlying sense that there are others around, and outside their immediate family, who genuinely care. And will take the time to make sure you know that.

4. Resilience.

When I find myself stressed or worried or like my problems are compounding, I often think of my late grandmother. She, with five kids in tow plus a foster child to care for, lost her husband when my mother, the youngest, was just one.

She spent the rest of her life alone, without a life partner and quietly going about her business about raising her children and her grandchildren. And although she had the perfect experience to demand the sympathy and compassion she deserved, not once growing up did I ever feel sorry for her.

She was the light of every room, and had a social life to rival my own. Resilience, it seemed, was innate. And I recognised it in her before I probably knew the meaning of the word.

Now she's one of many on my list: of women who are strong, humble and generous. Women I'm surrounded by daily that keep me motivated to do more and to be better.

Who are the women in your life that inspire you the most?

This post was written thanks to our brand partner Truvée Wines

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