This is me immediately after my C-Section:
The picture above is many hours after my elective caesarean birth (second baby), after a rest and after doing my face (and I’m a makeup artist).
This is the REAL me after my Elective Caesarean. SHATTERED. Post puke:
This is me straight after my first birth (Emergency Caesarean):
During my first pregnancy I felt so pushed/encouraged/forced to want the most ‘natural’ birthing experience imaginable.
My antenatal class pretty much told me that if I wasn’t drug free and deep breathing, then I was doing my baby a massive disservice; he would start off in the world a drug addled loser and probably stay that way.
My class had some outrageously hippy name like ‘Holistic Healthy Baby’ (which sounded so damn idyllic, but now makes me rage) so really I should have known what I was in for.
I don’t want to start a fight with people who choose to birth ‘naturally’ with no drugs and breathing through your vagina, because seriously, kudos to you.
That is phenomenal.