
The one trick for better sex. Guaranteed.

No, it doesn’t involve lube or a toy.

If you’re finding it hard to feel really satisfied while getting jiggy with it, we may have a solution for you. Dr Emily Nagoski, a psychologist specialising in human sexuality, has weighed in on the best way to achieve an orgasm.

And apparently, it’s very fitting considering the weather.

Wear socks during sex.

Yep. That’s it.

Socks, socks. Glorious socks.

Dr Nagoski explains that by wearing socks, we are less distracted by the cold. Without socks, this distraction may prevent women from submitting completely to our their state of arousal.

She thinks this idea is the centre to the female orgasm. “Put on socks, have warmer feet and have easier orgasms,” she tells The Australian Women's Weekly.

“Even a small shift such as this can make a difference but it’s exactly that kind of shift that is the key to moving from good, everyday kind of orgasm to fantastic, turn the stars in rainbows orgasms," she explains.

Are you wearing your socks? Mmm hmm...

When you think about it... it actually makes a lot of sense.

Dr Nagoski believes your internal states which include: hunger, thirst, sleepiness, loneliness, stress and frustration, all interact with your brain simultaneously and influence each other. Therefore, something as simple as having cold feet can interfere with arousal.

Excuse us while we go shopping for some kick ass socks...

If you're a parent CLICK THROUGH the gallery for the funny ways parents squeeze in sexy-time...

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