
Imogen Anthony has just taken 'festival fashion' to a whole new level.

You might not be aware of this, but Imogen Anthony and her controversial radio host boyfriend Kyle Sandilands are currently at Burning Man, a week-long festival in the Nevada desert.

“Wait, which one’s Burning Man?” you might ask.

It’s the one with the orgy dome. And the human petting zoos. And the armpit sniffing station (yes, really).

If you follow Anthony on any social media platform, you’ll know she’s the type of person who lives for these sorts of out-there experiences. I, on the other hand, can’t fathom anything worse.

But the 25-year-old and her partner of four years appear to be embracing it all; especially the nudity.

We made it ???? #BurningMan Bodysuit by @adamsaaks

A photo posted by IℳO₲E№ ♀▲N₮HʘNϔ (@imogen_anthony) on


Two days ago, Anthony arrived at the festival in a black bodysuit, boots and a headdress of sorts (I’ll just… I’ll just leave that aside for now).

But as the festival has gone on, the couples’ attire has become more and more bizarre.


Above, they’re pictured with goggles on, presumably to keep the desert sand out of their eyes.

It’s clear Burning Man is turning out to be quite a transformative experience for the duo.

“Sorry for the shit quality pic,” wrote Anthony, “but just letting you all know that we are officially part of this amazing #BurningMan tribe.”

“Great moment when we arrived, the ‘greeters’ asked if we were ‘Burning Man Virgins’ (which we obviously were) they the made us get out the RV and roll around on the ground in the dust.

“They were very condescending of my cleanliness and how much we didn’t know about what we were about to get ourselves into, but not everyone can go cold turkey on society and get straight on the BM train straight away.

“I mean, give it an hour or two. This isn’t just a festival, this is its on cult. But I love it.”

By day two of the festival, the model and entrepreneur was down to a beaded g-string and bra, dancing in the desert.


“There’s so much freedom of expression at #BurningMan,” she wrote.

“No judgments, no stereotypes, no labels. You are you for a reason and if we were all meant to be the same we would be. Just like ants, based purely just on instinct and not our individuality. No thank you.”

Anthony then uploaded a second part to her video, again dancing in her barely-there outfit, and giving us a glance of Kyle, who was a little more covered up.


Burning Man has a long and colourful history, and is thought of by attendees as a “temporary community.” The event is based on 10 principles, including self-reliance, self-expression, community cooperation, decommodification, participation, immediacy, “radical” inclusion, gifting, and leaving no trace.

It’s been criticised in the last few years since billionaires and celebrities have started attending, making the festival more of a networking event than an ‘experiment’ in community and art.

In this point in time, there was no where else I would have rather been ???? 3.9.16 ???? Headpiece by @studioaniss ☥ #BurningMan #BlackRockCity

A photo posted by IℳO₲E№ ♀▲N₮HʘNϔ (@imogen_anthony) on


But that doesn’t seem to be an issue for Anthony and Sandilands.

According to Anthony’s Instagram, the festival represents “normality in a sea of abnormality.”

“I’ve found my place,” she writes.

She’s also said of the festival, “When heaven and hell came together, it created this place.”

At least I’ll never feel like I’m missing out by never going to Burning Man – because we can all just live vicariously through Imogen Anthony and her endless snapshots.

Check out Imogen Anthony on Instagram.

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