Before I was a mum, I was convinced I’d be a cool one.
I suppose I had big aspirations to not sweat over the small stuff, wear cute outfits and be fun pretty much all of the time. But what I didn’t realise was that some of the small stuff is actually bigger than I thought when it comes to molding tiny humans. And some of the seemingly fun stuff is not all that fun.
At this point in my parental journey, I don’t even know what it means to be a “cool mum”, and I’d certainly never attempt to be one. It seems far too… problematic.
Though my priorities as a parent are constantly evolving as our family does, being laid-back or “cool” will likely never be near the top of my list.
Here are 20 reasons (to name a few) why I’m so not a cool mum:
1. I don’t do different dinners for picky eaters. You are eating what we are having or nothing at all. Really big breakfasts are always an option.
2. I actually do care about “too much screen time”, no matter how annoying my kid and the greater public thinks that phrase is.
3. To piggyback off that, we don’t do iPads or Kindles or handheld devices of any kind. Chill out, my kid is only four. And also, I watched a little girl fall out of her chair while staring at one the other day. It’s OK, she didn’t even blink when she hit the ground.