My 26th birthday is just around the corner, and talk has suddenly turned to marriage.
Not between my boyfriend and I mind you, but from well-meaning family, friends and acquaintances keen to know when we are planning to tie the knot.
Except for one little problem: just like Carrie Bradshaw, I seem to be missing the bride gene.
Call me crazy, but I have never seen the appeal of shelling out $36,000 (the cost of the average Aussie wedding) for what is basically one big party.
I don’t enjoy being the centre of attention, having my outfit scrutinised, listening to cheesy speeches or dancing The Nutbush- all wedding staples.
I can’t imagine ever caring about napkins or bonbonniere or beige invitations or matching bridesmaids’ shoes and I don’t believe that if you like it, then you necessarily better put a ring on it.
Yet all of a sudden, I seem to be dodging The Marriage Question on a regular basis and every time it happens, I experience a little jolt of horror.
Before we go any further, I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am not dissing the institution of marriage. I am not judging those who do want the big, traditional wedding or those who choose to marry young.
Don’t get me wrong, I can fully understand why the whole white wedding fairytale thing appeals to so many people. Just about everyone I know wants to get married eventually and I may well end up taking the plunge myself one day.
But it’s important to remember that it is not everyone’s cup of tea.
At (almost) 26, I’ve got other things to prioritise. In 2012, it should not surprise anyone that at this stage of my life I am far more concerned with my career, travel and saving for a house deposit than getting hitched. And these days, there is no real rush, is there?