Yes, apparently that’s everyone but ME. I don’t make mistakes.
Recently, we had our own little scare/ parenting fail that did, and continues to, bring me to tears at the mere thought. My two cherubs are being raised with a good balance of helicopter parenting and the freedom to learn and work things out for themselves. For example, Mr 20 months can climb all sorts of play equipment (as long as we’re there with arms at the ready should he suddenly lose balance) and, because he was given the opportunity and freedom to practice, he has, for a long time, been able to confidently seat himself on the swings in our backyard and hold on well while being pushed.
When it comes to safety and/ or possible dangers or threats, I’m super vigilant. Maybe I was/am slightly OTT but, hey, my kids are the most precious things in the world to me, so why wouldn’t I want to take every step to ensure their safety/health?! Apparently, when I was a toddler back in the 80’s, I managed to let myself out of the house early one morning and made my way next door – wearing only a nappy – where I let myself in to the neighbour's house as an uninvited breakfast guest (leaving a trail of muddy footprints) before being retrieved by my mum.
Recently, in the countdown to our twins’ arrival, hubby and I decided to knuckle down and finalise some jobs on our to do list. Hubby had just finished a midnight-9am shift, was still unwell after having been off sick, and was focused on vacuuming out the car and installing the newborn capsules for the twins. The car motor was on and the aircon was cranking.
As the motor was on, the one-sided garage door (open-ended carport the other side) was opened slightly, to allow for any fumes to escape/fresh air to circulate. Mr 20 months had been swapping from inside and out and wanted to be out with daddy, so I called out to hubby who - I thought - acknowledged li'l man was to be in his presence. Hubby was busy vacuuming the car and I watched as Mr 20 months toddled to the car to be with him.