real life

An Australian city just did something incredible to celebrate the LGBTQIA* community.


Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

It’s 2015 and these statements are all still true:

In at least 76 countries around the world it is illegal to participate in any LGBT sexual activity.

According to research, 17% of therapists in the UK have attempted to reduce or convert a client’s sexual orientation from lesbian or gay. Why? Because it’s “not natural”.

And in Australia, in 2015, we are ruled by a Prime Minister who once mentioned feeling “threatened” by homosexuality.

There is a myriad of statistics that highlight the issues that face the LGBTQIA* community. At times, the colossal inequalities seem daunting. Almost impossible to tackle.

But, today, it is different.

Check out some of the AWESOME celebrations for IDAHOT (post continues after gallery):

Today is 25 years since the World Health Orgainisation declassified homosexuality as a mental illness. Today is about change.

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT).

The 17th May is one of the single most important days to to raise awareness about the harm inflicted by homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. It is a day to call on decision makers, policy advisers, authorities and media to create change. It is day for every single person to be the person to create change and support LGBTQIA* rights.


IDAHOT unites millions of people across the globe to support universal human rights, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression or identity.

The United Nations have a released this video, Faces,  as part of their Free and Equal Campaign, celebrating “the contributions that millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people make to families and local communities around the world. The cast features prominent straight ally and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. (Post continues after video. Warning: you may cry with happiness.)

For the first time in Brisbane, the City Council have agreed to raise a rainbow coloured flag on Town Hall, to celebrate the event. Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Cr Graham Quirk, has changed his tune from last year, stating that the, “Council supports the message behind the International Day Against Homophobia, which is why we are sharing this message of inclusiveness from our most iconic Brisbane landmarks.”

An organiser for the IDAHOT events in Brisbane, Phil Brown, celebrated the progression of the BCC describing how amazing it will be for a LGBTQI kid to see the flag raised proudly in the city.



For the second year, the Brisbane Storey Bridge will also change its lights to a spectacular rainbow display.

Town halls in Melbourne have followed suit, also raising rainbow coloured flags for the event. Equal love rallies will be taking place in Perth, whilst in Sydney a mass gay wedding will take place on Monday at UNSW.

Be part of a movement. Be part of change. Join the celebrations around the world to support IDAHOT.

Are you celebrating IDAHOT?

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