
Please tell me I'm not the only one who knows cereal tastes better with ice?

Image via iStock.

Earlier this year, controversy erupted on Twitter. As per usual, it was over a single picture (above).

Corrina posted a photo of her bowl of cereal with the caption: “Am I the only one who can’t eat cereal without ice in it?”

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Controversy began between two camps; those who have ice with their cereal, and those who are still living in darkness.

I love cereal. Love it. But it has to be a certain type. It has to have crunch and texture and it has to have ice. Yes, ice, people. I’m with Corrina.

The infamous photo in question.


Personally, I was unaware that people didn't know about the benefits of adding ice to your bowl of breakfast goodness because I've been doing it since I was about five. The reason why is obvious (to me anyway), it makes the milk colder. And it makes it the cereal tastier (and generally a trillion times better).

Many skeptics have since expressed concerns including but not limited to the following:

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Won’t the milk get too watery? Isn't the milk cold to begin with? Doesn't it make the cereal go soggy? Also what do you do with the left over ice at the end of the bowl? Isn't it annoying when you accidentally scoop up ice on your spoon? Do you eat the ice or do you leave it?

Critics, while I hear your concerns, they are all amendable.

No, I am not drinking warm milk to begin with, that is gross, it just makes it even colder. Eat your cereal rapidly, and use a teaspoon like I do, so you get the cereal but not the ice, and nothing will dilute. There is no other way. Try it, you won't look back. I promise.

Do you eat your cereal with ice, too?

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