true crime

"Please give him a chance." Ice addict's daughter pens heartbreaking plea to judge.

A young Sydney girl has written a heartbreaking letter to the judge tasked with sentencing her ice-addicted father for murder.

The note, as reported by Emma Partridge of The Daily Telegraph, paints a picture of the devastation the drug has invited into their home, of how it it destroyed her father – a man of whom she used to be “proud”, who used to be “caring”.

“When my five years old sister asked where dad was I always don’t know how to answer her. She was too young to loose Dad’s love [sic],” she wrote, according to The Daily Telegraph.

“Everything has changed with lots of tears. The drug damaged him, damaged my family.”

According to The Daily Telegraph, the Chinese migrant was convicted last year of the murder of his friend, whom he stabbed to death, wrapped in a doona and placed into the boot of a car in southern Sydney in 2014.

The little girl’s letter was reportedly tendered to the NSW Supreme Court last week as part of his sentencing hearing.

In it, The Daily Telegraph reports, she begged the judge to show mercy toward her father.

“He already loosed his chance to see the last sight of my grandfather, loosed his chance to grow up with me,” she wrote. “Please give him a chance to let me five years old sister have some dad’s love before she grows up.” [sic]


The 38-year-old will be sentenced in March.

Listen: Journalist Luke Williams reflects on his terrifying experience of ice addiction. (Post continues after audio.)

It’s one of the many ice-fuelled crimes cycling through Australian court system.

Such is the volume and complexity of these cases, that last year it contributed to a decision to grant a 4.8 per cent pay rise to Australian judges.

There is no sign of the scourge abating. Government data suggests seven per cent of the Australian population aged 14 years or older have used amphetamine or methylamphetamine at least once in their lifetime.

For users with children, a 2015 Australian Crime Commission report noted, the consequences can be devastating.

“Children present in the homes of methylamphetamine users or manufacturers are particularly at risk of ingesting associated chemicals,” The Australian methylamphetamine market: The national picture reads.

“Additionally, many methylamphetamine users are likely to neglect parenting responsibilities and expose children to additional illegal activities.”

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