
iBlog: Our favourite Aussie bloggers

At iVillage we’re passionate about supporting Australian bloggers. That’s why we’ve created iBlog Friday.

iBlog Friday is a chance for you to introduce iVillage readers to your blog, by showcasing the favourite blog post you’ve written each week

If you want to appear in our iBlog Friday roundup please send the link to your blog to us at

We will be posting all the blogs we receive in a round up every Friday morning so make sure we get your blog by Thursday at 12 noon.

The winner of the blog for the week (our favourite favourite) will win 6 shades of  Revlon's new ColorStay Ultimate Suede Lipstick.

Using Revlon’s ColorStay™ technology, ColorStay Ultimate Suede™ Lipstick provides hours of food-proof wear with even application for full, creamy colour coverage. And with 20 on-trend shades to choose from Revlon ColorStay Ultimate Suede™ Lipstick is the perfect mix of fashion and function!

Each prize pack retails at $155.70.

The winner will also have their full blog republished on our site and promoted on our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

To kick things off, here are just a few of the blogs we’ve enjoyed reading this week. We can’t wait to start reading yours!



Kerri Sackville at Life & Other Crises is sharing some incredible information on dealing with anxiety.  We bookmarked this post to send read again and again. She writes:

"Let me tell you this one little secret – anxiety hates nothing more than company. Anxiety likes to live alone, dwelling in the fertile lush pastures of the empty mind. The very best weapon against anxiety is to keep busy. Anxiety needs to be driven out with force.

When I am anxious, my natural instinct is to fret. I become completely useless to myself and everyone else. I wander around in circles, I pace, I bite my nails. My heart races. My mind goes cloudy and I can't focus. If all I need to do is make the school lunches or write a blog post, I can't function. I can take an hour to put a sandwich together. I can sit at the computer and not make any sense."

You can read the rest of Kerri's post here

Mrs Woog at Woogsworld caused a few raised eyebrows around the office when we became hysterical reading her blog about pedicures. She writes:

"I quite often take this time to spend with my beloved friend The Divine Ms M, who sits next to me as we chatter away about not much. After a good soaking, out comes the razor and the Divine Ms M's face immediately looks like this…

There are the traditional jokes about "corn flakes" and losing 4 kilos after the foot shave down, but Vivienne, my shaver of choice, makes no judgements, apart from questioning the fact that why, indeed, are we still friends after 20 years."

You can read the rest of Woog's post here  

Eden Riley at Edenland is always awesome – but when she interviews the Prime Minister of Australia – she is beyond awesome. She shares the video interview on her blog and writes

"The first thing I need to explain about this video is that my hair looks CRAP. A red Elvis cowlick, because I was so worried about people commenting on how closely the PM and I resemble each other with our red hair and glasses, that I threw it up in a not-very-well-coiffed ponytail. (Because obviously as soon as a woman gets any traction at all in the public space, her looks are up for discussion.)"

Watch the video here

Kelly Exeter at A Life Less Frantic made us think about the time we spent preparing for the birth of our babies… She writes

"Never ever set up the baby’s room any earlier than 1-2 weeks out from your due date.

Just don’t do it.

I applied this rule with my first-born and other than one government client deciding to get feedback from a ‘few key stakeholders’ four days before J was due (on a piece of artwork they’d approved and signed off on the previous week!), there were no unexpected, last minute, stressful things to deal with in the month before his birth.

But I couldn’t help getting a little bit cute this second time around could I?"

Read more of Kelly's post here

Naomi Bulger at Messages In Bottles got us thinking about (and preparing for) Easter. She writes:

"This is a super-cute and incredibly easy Easter craft activity. These little papier mâché eggs are laced with wildflower seeds. Tie them up with a pretty ribbon or a piece of washi tape, nestle them into a decorative nest, and you have a sweet little springtime Easter gift for a friend (even if Easter is an autumnal festival, as it is in Australia)."

You can read the rest of Naomi's post here

Linda Drummond of Pink Patent Mary Janes caught us by our tastebuds when she blogged about bacon cupcakes. BETTER than you think. She writes

"What are your thoughts on the combination of savoury and sweet. I'm just asking because see those three little cupcakes all in a row? They're bacon maple pancake cupcakes.

I know.


On a cupcake.

And it's a little mouthful of heaven."
You can read the rest of Linda's post here

Janine Fitzpatrick of Shambolic Living should win most dedicated blogger in Australia after her frantic effort to get to #DPON13. She writes:

"You know you are getting old when you put your back out trying on a new pair of trousers. That’s what I did yesterday as I did a desperate scramble to get some appropriate clothing to wear to a blogging conference. If this is sounding familiar it’s because it is – remember the debacle of trying to find an outfit for the last blogging conference I attended."
You can read the rest of Janine's post here

Lara Cain of  This Charming Mum wrote an Open Letter to Facebook that could have come from well, everybody. Funny and true! She writes

"Ah Facebook, you saucy minx.  Every time I try to leave you, you tempt me back with your siren song of LOL cats and ambiguous, attention-seeking status updates.   It was fun in the beginning.  I will always remember the butterflies in the pit of my stomach brought on by each new friend request;  the illicit thrill of discovering the fate of ex-boyfriends and high school mean girls I’d never want to actually speak to in real life;  the exotic holidays we went on together (well, other people went on them and you showed me the photos)."
You can read the rest of Lara's post here

We look forward to hearing from YOU!

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