The Prime Minister has announced changes to Australia’s intercountry adoption system to make it easier to to adopt children from overseas. This is brilliant news for childless couples desperate to adopt. Couples who want to be like the Dunks family…
Brisbane couple Richard and Bronwyn Dunks still recall with sadness the day they were told that their journey towards natural parenthood had come to an end. After more than five years of ‘trying’ for a baby of their own, including five unsuccessful IVF attempts, Bronwyn called Richard from the fertility clinic to tell him that it was all over.
Normally calm and in control of her feelings, Bronwyn could barely speak through the flood of tears that overwhelmed her. She was finally able to say, “Ritchie, I can’t do this anymore.” And neither, Richard discovered, could he.
Bronwyn had always talked of adopting a child, from early in their relationship. Richard wasn’t as enamoured with the idea and openly admits that having a child of his own lineage used to be very important to him. When faced with a future with no children at all, however, he was forced to rethink his ideals.
At their Family GP’s suggestion, the Dunks started attending the International Adoption Education program.
They were told by the program’s social workers, quite clearly, that adoption is not a pipeline feeder of children for unfulfilled couples. They said, “Adoption is not about you. It’s about doing the right thing for a child in need.” Bronwyn, ever eager to adopt, watched Richard make the mental and emotional switch in that moment. He understood what they had to do and why they were doing it — that it wasn’t all about them anymore. They had so much to offer a child in need, and made a committed ‘expression of interest’ to adopt in June, 2008.