There’s a disagreement in my family at the moment. I know, I know, what’s new? Families always seem to have something brewing but let me be self indulgent and share with you my issue because I’d love to know what other people think.
I’ve got three children and I expect them to do housework. My mother in law disagrees with me and thinks I am too harsh. She is of the opinion that kids should be allowed to be kids and that it is an adult’s job to maintain a house and the family living in it.
My theory is this. We are a household made up of five family members. No one in the family is more important than another and each member of the household should, and does, help out when it comes to chores. They all make the mess, they can all help to deal with it.
Of course the tasks I ask of them are age appropriate (I’m not letting a two year old bleach the bathroom, for example) but yeah, they are expected to clean up after themselves and help out when it comes to household jobs.
"I'm simply not going to play the role of full time maid" (istock)
I'm their mother, not their maid so at the end of the day when they are doing playing with their toys I expect them to pack them away. If they don't, I throw them out. Simple as that. I expect my children to set the table at night and help put away their washing once I've taken the time to do it for them. I don't think it's really asking that much.