I was a GREAT mother with my first child.
We did playdough and made pasta beads. We had a craft table and an ankle-deep homemade ocean filled with plastic sharks that we fished around in and made small splashy waves together.
I went down the slippery-dip behind him at the park and I helped him collect snails from the crooked wall across the road.
And I hardly, hardly ever looked at my phone when we went for a walk.
All that, you see, equals good Mum.
With his little brother and sister I haven’t made it to “good Mum”status.
In fact I’ve been a bleak, dismal, dereliction of motherhood.
I think the thing was that I went too hard, too early. I went all out too quickly and suddenly by the time my second child was nine-months old and ready to play and my oldest was three-and-a-bit I was drained of any ability whatsoever to play.
It hit me like a ton of (lego) bricks.
Playing with kids is boring as F**K.
I know I should be cherishing each and every game of hide-and-seek. I know I should be languishing in delirium when a little hand holds out Buzz and Woody and a half mouldy potato from the fridge and tells me that I get to be Mr Potato Head.
I know these are moments-I-won’t-get-back. I know it. Ok.
But it is still like mental torture isn’t it?