
"Days after receiving my engagement ring, I became the worst bride-to-be ever."

I’m officially the worst engaged human to live. Not even an over-exaggeration.

I chipped my diamond engagement ring, days into having it, and don’t even have a delightful story to go with it… i.e. I have NO IDEA how I managed to make that happen.

It was my fiancé (yes, I’m also surprised he stayed with me) who noticed a rattle when I was talking with my hands while we were sitting on the lounge.

He says, “Take off your ring.” We discover it’s loose and there’s a chip. Cue, tears.

The jeweller asked whether I had “broken my finger” as a chip and movement like this is “evidence of a massive knock”.

We all know I do no heavy lifting professionally or personally.

Aforementioned engagement ring. (Image: Supplied).

The jeweller reckons it must have happened at the gym, a freak knock while I’m doing weights. An unfortunate number of factors coming together to form one chip in a still-sparkling diamond ring. It’s an honest, horrific and freak accident.

My fiancé was calmer than I thought he’d be when he realised what I’d done. I was a bit of a mess.

We then reversed roles when the bill came in. $800 later, he’s a bit of a surprised and disappointed mess, and I’m left insisting “its only money! I’m just happy to have it back!”

But it turns out, I’m not the only one to do silly things with their precious engagement and wedding rings.

I surveyed my Facebook followers and got some rather juicy responses. Raylene says her hubby is onto his third wedding ring.

“The first he lost on our honeymoon, God knows where. The second we lost at the beach, he was waving at me from the shore and off it flung. Hubby is onto his third now.”

Going by Raylene’s tone, Hubby better guard it with his life.

Karen accidentally flushed hers down the toilet.

“Wiping my business, flush and drop the paper and down the gurgler goes the ring too. I went after it, but no luck”.

Karen, what a crappy tale.

Kirrily rested her rings on her lap as she was in the car...

"Putting makeup on in the car while my husband was driving. Finished, arrived at work, kissed him goodbye, then halfway through the day realised my rings weren’t on. I had all 20 of my colleagues out the front of work searching for two days for them. Never to be seen again.”

Kristen and her fiancé. (Image: Supplied).

Jacqui says...

“I threw my engagement ring away in a dirty nappy! Thankfully he loves me enough to buy me a new one”.

One of Sue’s colleagues found her ring in their lunch.

“Lost mine after it got snagged on the shelf railing in the fridge at work. Emptied the fridge trying to find, luckily it had dropped into a friend’s salad!”

Didn’t they get a crunchy surprise.

If you, like me, have lost or chipped a precious piece of jewellery fear not. This story made me squeal with joy when I heard it.

LISTEN: ‘Til death do us part is OVER. (Post continues below...)

Kimmy says there is hope yet. She lost her engagement ring four years ago, a ring that was her Grandmothers and passed down to her.

“I was cooking in the kitchen and realised it wasn’t on my finger. Turned the house upside down, called family over to look and after an entire day searching we decided that’s enough. Four years later, I’m cleaning out the cupboard and in the Tupperware Granny bought me for my engagement, there it was. I’m holding onto it now to give to my daughter.”

Moral to the story – if in doubt, look in the Tupperware containers.

What happened to your precious jewels? Tell us in the comments below.

Kristen Henry is one half of The Kristen and Wilko Show on MIX 106.3 in Canberra. Follow her adventures at

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