
The baby name trend we wish we'd thought of first.

The best of both baby-naming worlds.

We’ve had the debate about baby surnames too many times to count on two hands.

His last name? Hers? What about a double-barreled surname, or will that just condemn them to a life of spelling the damned thing out?

One famous family just embraced a clever solution — and it’s a trend we wish we’d thought of first.

hybrid baby names
Emma Bloomberg (L) gave her new baby girl a hybrid surname. But would you? (Photo: Getty Images)

Emma Bloomberg, the daughter of former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg just had a baby with her husband, Christopher Frissora, and here’s what they called their brand-new daughter: Zelda Violet Frissberg.


Frissberg, as in a hybrid of “Frissora + Bloomberg”.

Interesting, no?

According to Mommyish, Bloomberg and Frissora say “Frissberg” has been their “couple name” for a while now, so it just made sense. There might also be a nod to Bloomberg’s billionaire family history in the decision, too: As Manhattan society expert David Patrick Columbia told the New York Times, baby Frissberg’s name reflects how an increasing number of wealthy women are keeping their maiden names.

“[Women of fortune] even sometimes give them to their children,’ he said, and the hybrid name “is a play on the same idea”.

For more: Pretty soon, nobody will be picking a baby name without doing this first.

We think it’s a sweet option, but it does have us all thinking what other famous own baby-combinations would look like — and the results aren’t always so neat.

For some famous couples, it’s a lovely option (Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith could’ve gone with Pinksmith, for example. Cute).

Some couples whose baby names would’ve sounded awesome when combined (post continues after gallery):


But with others… well, notso much.

Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates’ daughter Tiger Lily, for example, could’ve ended up with the last name Hates if they’d chosen a hybrid for their daughter’s surname. Eep.

Some more not-so-great celebrity hybrid ideas (Post continues after gallery):


Some commentators also claim the trend is a little tacky: A columnist for The Guardian back in 2006 wrote of hybrid names (of couples, in this instance) in the following, scathing terms:

“Word reaches us of new linguistic horrors concocted by the Americans in their continuing assault upon our common tongue: the meshing of two names to create a single new one.”

Meanwhile, Vanderbilt University sociology professor Laura Carpenter, tells NPR: “Genealogists are going to go crazy if everyone makes up a last name.”

“Well, the ones we like best are Zineman, Zenkman and Mannis:” Back in th ’90s, made-up baby surnames got a mention in Father of the Bride II.

Anecdotes shared on online forums suggest the option can be prone to beaurocracy-induced headaches. “It has made some things complicated,” one BabyCenter mum said of her kid’s hybrid surname. “Insurance companies are the worst, but it has also been an issue with doctor’s offices and school enrollments.”

For me: Read a first-person account of a mum who made up her baby’s last name here.

Another commenter pointed out online: “What happens if you divorce and want your old names back? Your child is stuck with your made up last name?”

Yet another asked: “So you just want your kid to have a last name that isn’t the same as you or your husband? Why? So he can go through his life being asked so whose your real dad?”

The below are *actual* proposed baby GIRL names that were rejected by the authorities this year:

The below are *actual* proposed baby BOY names that were rejected by the authorities this year:

So what do you think? And what would your baby’s combination name be?

Related: here are some of the very cool (or ‘hip’ if you will) names that have made it into the top hipster baby names according to Buzzfeed:

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