real life

'My husband planned our dream trip. Now he's threatening divorce over one detail.'

A couple's dream holiday turned into a nightmare for one wife when an unexpected guest was added to her itinerary.

What started as a getaway of a lifetime has now escalated into threats of divorce, all because of one crucial detail: the husband's mother.

"We're digital nomads so we like to spend six-month periods travelling abroad," the wife explained in her post on Reddit. "We travelled last year to Thailand and now this year we're in Brazil exploring the northeast then going south. We are Brazilians, so our whole family lives in this country."

The couple had meticulously planned their trip, dividing their time between various cities in Brazil. 

"We already did Fortaleza (1 month), and now we’re doing São Luiz (10 days), then Maceió (2 weeks), then other cities in the south," she shared. The plan was simple: "Just me, him, and our baby dog, enjoying our mighty time as couples."

The surprise guest.

However, her idyllic vision of the journey was shattered when she discovered that her husband had invited his mother to join them for the entire two-week stay in Maceió—without consulting her first.

"I was completely left out of the decision," the woman revealed. "I believe as a married couple you should consult each other first before making decisions like this. Maybe asking, 'Babe, would you be ok if I brought my mum along to Maceió? For the whole two weeks?'"


She expressed her frustration with the lack of consideration for her feelings. "This is a huge lack of respect for me because it shows that my opinion doesn’t matter and that he’s gonna do whatever he wants regardless of what I think and how I feel."

The drama escalates.

The situation escalated quickly. During what was supposed to be a peaceful dinner, the couple argued about the unexpected addition to their trip. 

“He got extremely offended that I wasn’t 100% happy and excited that his mum is spending the two weeks with us,” she said. But it was her husband’s reaction that truly stunned her. “He even went as far as physically removing his wedding band as a way of showing ‘either you accept my mum or we can go our separate ways.’”

Adding fuel to the fire, the husband even went as far as to threaten custody issues over their dog. “Later after dinner, he even said things like ‘if you and I get divorced, we’re sharing Penny (our dog),’” she recounted. “LIKE???!!!! Excuse me, sir?!”

The internet weighs in.

The wife’s post quickly gained traction on Reddit, where users expressed outrage over her husband’s behaviour. One commenter didn’t mince words: “This dude is an a**hole. First for not asking you if his mum could travel with you and second for his over-the-top, stupid, and petty theatrics.”

Others shared similar sentiments, with one user pointing out the severity of the situation: “Anyone who would throw divorce out so casually does not have your interests at heart. Start looking for a way out.” Another simply advised, “Divorce him.”


Many were appalled by the husband’s ultimatum, with one user stating, “This is not a kind person. F**k him and his mum. I’d change my ticket and go back home. This is just too much disrespect for me.”

The consensus among the Reddit community was clear: the husband's actions were unacceptable, and his wife deserved better treatment. 

“Once someone threatens divorce, the marriage is over,” one user commented. “Pack your bags and go home.”

As the debate rages on, it’s clear that what was meant to be a dream trip has instead exposed deep cracks in the couple’s relationship. With the husband’s extreme reaction and the growing tension, one has to wonder—can this marriage survive such a betrayal? 

“Tell him to have a good trip with his mother,” one commenter advised, “Because he’s going to be seeing more of her and a lot less of you.” 

In the end, whether this trip becomes a story of "three's a crowd" or "the more, the merrier" remains to be seen. 

But one thing's for certain: this couple's adventure has taken a detour into the ultimate test of love and patience - travelling with in-laws. Bon voyage, indeed.

Feature image: Getty.

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